Draft Agenda for 4 April 2012 meeting 1. Call to Order 2. Roll call 3. Announcements 4. Approve agenda (15 min) 5. Elect Chair and Secretary pro tem (or permanent if attendance permits). (15 min) 6. Report on clarification of membership on the committee - 1 or 2 directors, 2 delegates from each station. Who is or is not on the committee (George 10 min) 7. Make sure PNB Programming Yahoo Group is aligned with current committee membership (George 3 min) 8. Approve minutes from last meeting (4 min) 9. Approve or reset meeting schedule (10 min) 10. Summary Report of work done on the committee in 2011. (George 10 min) 11. Review and reconsider motion on Program councils (20 min) 12. Review and reconsider motion on modifying Spanish Language Policy (20 min) 13. Review and reconsider motion on National Programming –in line with Recovery Plan (20 min) 14. Implementing an objective Program Analysis Survey (20 min) 15. Review Action Items (5 min) 16. Adjourn total time 167 minutes 2:43