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Tuesday, March 12, 2024 7:00 PM ET
KPFT - Development and Outreach Committee Teleconference
Purpose: Fundraising, Pledge Drive planning, outreach to community Committee Members

Maestro Teleconference 310-409-2027 code: 696233#
Teresa Allen
Posted: 02/26/2024 - 7:42 PMUpdated :02/29/2024 - 6:57 PM
Streamed  Here  The direct link is  Also  Here

Tuesday, March 12, 2024 8:30 PM ET
Finance Committee Teleconference
Purpose: Regular meeting Committee Members
1. Call to Order 2 minutes
2. Roll Call 3 minutes
3. Approve the Agenda 5 minutes
4. Approve minutes 10 minutes
5. Set Dates/pattern for Future meetings 10 minutes
6. Stephanie Wells, Accounts and Classes of Revenue in Pacifica. (a lead in to our
7. upcoming review of the Central Services formula) 60 minutes
8. Motion from Kim Kaufman:

"Whereas Robert's Rules of Order 12th edition says:

'48:1 The official record of the proceedings of a deliberative assembly is usually called the minutes…

'48:2 Content of the minutes. In an ordinary society, the minutes should contain mainly a record of what was done at the meeting, not what was said by the members. The minutes must never reflect the secretary's opinion, favorable or otherwise, on anything said or done.

'48:3 To modify the rules governing what is regularly to be included in the minutes requires adoption of a special rule of order, although a majority vote may direct the inclusion of specific additional information in the minutes of a particular meeting.

'48:5 Additional rules and practices relating to the contents are the following:

'(c) When the voting is by roll call, the names of those voting on each side and those answering "present," as well as the total number in each category, are entered. If members who are present fail to respond on a roll-call vote, enough of their names must be recorded as present to reflect that a quorum was present at the time of the vote. If the chair voted, no special mention of this fact is made in the minutes.'

"Therefore, the NFC minutes shall follow Robert's Rules of Order and consist only of the record of what was done and not what was said at the meeting, i.e., attendance and motions (see 48:5 for further protocols to include).

"Also, that the names of those voting on each side of the motion be recorded along with the totals." 10 minutes

9. Review Upcoming Work, and deadlines. (timeline) 10 minutes
10. Unfinished business 5 minutes
11. New Business 5 minutes
12. Adjourn by 10:30 PM (ET)


Part of this meeting may be held in Executive Session.

This meeting is not being streamed due to technical problems. It is being recorded and the recording will be posted.
R. Paul Martin
Posted: 03/15/2023 - 8:20 PMUpdated :03/12/2024 - 9:59 PM

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