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Pacifica National Board - Teleconference (Closed Session)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Originates: 7:00 pm Pacific Time, 9:00 pm Central Time, 10:00 pm Eastern Time


I. Call to Order and Opening Business. 10:00 pm (ET)

a. Roll Call / Establish Quorum. Establish time keeper. (2 Min.)

Box Legend Attendance: X Present; Ab Absent; Exc Excused Absence; AL Present-Arrived Late.
KPFA - Berk., Ca.: KPFK - L.A., Ca.: KPFT - Houston, Tx.: WBAI - N.Y., N.Y.:
Sherry Gendelman Grace Aaron George Reiter Nia Bediako
Bonnie Simmons Shawn O'Brian Sandra Rawline Carolyn Birden
Andrea Turner Leslie Radford Wendy Schroell Kathy Davis
Joseph Wanzala Ricco Ross Susan Young James Ross

WPFW - Wash. D.C.: AFFILIATES: Staff & Counsel:
Jim Brown David Beaton LaVarn Williams, Interim CFO
Acie Byrd Efia Nwangaza Ricardo De Anda, Int. Gen. Counsel
Luzette King
(Vacant Position)

b. Agenda Approval. (2 Min.)
c. Minutes Approval (2 Min.)

II. Interim General Counsel re opinion re compensation for iED (10 Min.)
(Aaron recuses from the call; Wanzala serves as chair for this item)

III iED, iCFO and iGC reports re legal, personnel and real estate matters (10 Min.)

III. Report of the Personnel Committee regarding job candidates. (30 Min.)

IV Unfinished Business:

A Motion by Radford to instruct the iED to investigate option
to move NO to NYC. (5 Min.)

V. Reporting out from closed session (recent prior meetings) (10 Min.)

VI. Adjourn Closed Session. 11:00 pm (ET)