Approved December 17, 2010


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Pacifica National Board - Teleconference (Open Session)
8:00 pm Eastern Time, 7:00 pm Central Time, 5:00 pm Pacific Time
Originating in Various Locations

December 6, 2009


I. Call to Order/ Opening Business. PNB Chair Grace Aaron called meeting to
order at 8:06 pm (ET). David Beaton served as timekeeper.

a. Roll Call/ Quorum. Staff Recording Secretary, Richard Uzzell called
the roll and a quorum was established

For Attendance. X Present; Ab Absent; Exc Excused Absence; AL
Arrived Late.
KPFA - Berk., Ca.: KPFK - L.A., Ca.: KPFT -
Houston, Tx.: WBAI - N.Y., N.Y.:
X Sherry Gendelman X Grace Aaron X George Reiter
X Nia Bediako
X Bonnie Simmons X Shawn O'Brian X Sandra
Rawline X Carolyn Birden
X Andrea Turner X Leslie Radford X Wendy
Schroell X Kathy Davis
X Joseph Wanzala X Ricco Ross X
Susan Young X James Ross

X Jim Brown X David Beaton X Ricardo deAnda, Int. Gen. Counsel
X Acie Byrd X Efia Nwangaza
X Luzette King
X Billy Ray Edwards

Bediako called a Point of Order re: as she understood Article
5, Section 7 of the Pacifica Bylaws, felt that Grace Aaron was
no longer a member of the PNB and therefore the Vice Chair
should preside over the meeting. The Chair Over Ruled the
point of order. Bediako appealed the ruling. Discussion
followed. Wanzala moved to Call the Question. The motion
Failed by a vote of 11-9-1 (needing a 2/3rd vote). [See

For Vote. Y Yes; N No; Ab Abstain; PNV Present No Voting.
KPFA - Berk., Ca.: KPFK - L.A., Ca.: KPFT -
Houston, Tx.: WBAI - N.Y., N.Y.:
N Sherry Gendelman PNV Grace Aaron Y George Reiter
N Nia Bediako
N Bonnie Simmons Y Shawn O'Brian Ab Sandra
Rawline Y Carolyn Birden
N Andrea Turner N Leslie Radford Y Wendy
Schroell Y Kathy Davis
Y Joseph Wanzala N Ricco Ross N Susan
Young Y James Ross

N Jim Brown Y David Beaton Failed, needing 2/3rd 11-9-1
N Acie Byrd Y Efia Nwangaza
Y Luzette King
Y Billy Ray Edwards
Approved 12-17-10
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Pacifica National Board Teleconference. OPEN MINUTES

December 6, 2009

Point of Order Appeal (Con't.)

Discussion continued. The body voted 10-7-4 to sustain the Chair.
[See Below.]

For Vote. Y Yes; N No; Ab Abstain; PNV Present No Voting.
KPFA - Berk., Ca.: KPFK - L.A., Ca.: KPFT -
Houston, Tx.: WBAI - N.Y., N.Y.:
N Sherry Gendelman PNV Grace Aaron Y George Reiter
N Nia Bediako
N Bonnie Simmons Y Shawn O'Brian Ab Sandra
Rawline Y Carolyn Birden
N Andrea Turner N Leslie Radford Ab Wendy
Schroell Y Kathy Davis
Y Joseph Wanzala Ab Ricco Ross Ab Susan
Young Y James Ross

N Jim Brown Y David Beaton Sustained 10-7-4
N Acie Byrd Y Efia Nwangaza
Y Luzette King
Y Billy Ray Edwards

b. Agenda Approval. Chair asked if there were any additions or changes
proposed for the Agenda. Byrd moved to add a motion to the agenda that
addressed his contention that there are two people serving as Board
members who are not qualified to be members. Motion Failed by a vote
of 9-10-1. [See Below.]

For Vote. Y Yes; N No; Ab Abstain; PNV Present No Voting.
KPFA - Berk., Ca.: KPFK - L.A., Ca.: KPFT -
Houston, Tx.: WBAI - N.Y., N.Y.:
Y Sherry Gendelman PNV Grace Aaron N George Reiter
Y Nia Bediako
Y Bonnie Simmons N Shawn O'Brian Sandra
Rawline N Carolyn Birden
Y Andrea Turner Y Leslie Radford Y Wendy
Schroell N Kathy Davis
N Joseph Wanzala Ab Ricco Ross Y Susan
Young N James Ross

Y Jim Brown N David Beaton Failed, 9-10-1
Y Acie Byrd N Efia Nwangaza
N Luzette King
N Billy Ray Edwards

Young moved to add time for Finance Committee business for a total of
one hour. HNO, motion Approved. O'Brien moved that all budgets should
be heard at the next meeting. HNO, motion Approved. Schroell moved
that each Affiliate Rep. Candidate interview be 30 Minutes. O'Brien
moved to amend by reducing the time to 20 minutes each. HNO, motion
[as amended] Approved. O'Brien moved approval of the Agenda [as
amended]. HNO, Agenda Approved.

c. Minutes Approval. None.

II. Acknowledgements.

** Outgoing KPFT LSB members for their good work and time
contributed. ** by Reiter.

Approved 12-17-10
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Pacifica National Board Teleconference. OPEN MINUTES

December 6, 2009

** Condolence to the Yancy family for their loss of a
family member; and to Lynn Steward
"who is still in captivity, that she stays strong." **
by Bediako.

** Bonnie Simmons, who is terming out, for her "years in
radio" and "her
input will be missed." **
by Gendelman.

** All the current PNB members for "all your time on this
Board, although at time
we may have disagreed," "you in your heart felt you were
doing the right thing." **
by O'Brien.

** Pacifica Archives for their recent fund raiser. She
challenged all Board members
to make a pledge to Archives. **
by Schroell.

** All those going off the KPFK LSB and for all the new
members coming aboard. by Turner.

** Outgoing Board members, especially G. Aaron and L.
Williams for "the steady
hand that they have brought to the network and the
foundation." ** by Nwangaza.

** All members of the NFC for their good work. **
by Ross.

III. Affiliate Rep. Candidate Interviews. The three non-incumbents
were interviewed for 20 minutes each. The incumbents will be interviewed
later. Those interviewed were David Paxman, Jim Bennett and John Murphy.

IV. Next In-Person Meeting. Coordinating Committee member Wendy
Schroell announced that the next In-Person PNB Meeting will be in
Washington D.C. (WPFW), January 29, 30 and 31.

V. Next Teleconference. Schroell moved that the next two
teleconferences will be a continuation of this meeting; and they will be
December 11 and 13, 2009. A survey was taken of the Board and those two
dates had the most support. HNO, motion Approved.

VI. Adjourned. O'Brien moved to adjourn. HNO, meeting adjourned
at 10:44 pm (ET)

Minutes Scribed and Prepared by: Richard Uzzell, PNB Recording Secretary

Minutes Approved by the Pacifica National Board:

George Reiter, PNB Chair December 17, 2010
Witnessed By: Date: