Pacifica Foundation KPFT FM 90.1 Houston, Texas
KPFT Local Station Board (LSB)
Regular LSB Meeting February 17, 2010 7:00 p.m.
240 W. 18th Street Houston, Texas


CALL TO ORDER: Board Chair, Mary Dennis called meeting to order at 7:25 p.m.
a. Roll Call: Board Secretary, Lee Greenwood-Rollins call the roll/Quorum
was achieved

Box Legend: Attendance X Present; Ab Absent; Exc Excused Absence; Al
Present Arrived Late
|Listener Delegates| | |Staff Delegates |
|X Wesley |AL DeWayne Lark |AL David |Ab Jessica |
|Bethune | |Salerno |Apolinar |
|X Bill Crosier |AL Alberto Luera | ~ Vacant ~ |X Staci |
| | | |Davis |
|X Mary Dennis |Exc Robert Mark |Exc C. Lee |Exc Rhonda |
| | |Taylor |Garner |
|X Melinda |X Susie Moreno |X Richard |X Liana |
|Iley-Dohn | |Uzzell |Lopez |
|X Nancy |X Lee |X Ted |X Dr. George|
|Hentscel |Greenwood-Rollins |Weisgal |Reiter |
|X Mike Jones |X Nancy |X Michael |X Ron |
| |Saibaria-Naritomi |Young |Reynolds |

X Duane Bradley, General Manager (Ex Officio)

b. LSB Vacancy: Motion by Ted Weisgal to delay filling vacant position
until the March meeting. Motion approved

c. Agenda Approval: Motion by Wesley Bethune to move program council
elections to take place after KPFT recognitions.
Substitute Motion by Richard Uzzell that Program Council elections follow
Treasurer's report.
Substitute Motion by Ted Weisgal that the General Managers report be moved
to the place in the agenda right after Minutes Approval, and that the
General Manager informs LSB as to the protocols he would like for his
opening comments (5 minutes suggested), questions from the body (1 minute
per question suggested), and his answers (2 minutes suggested). A time
limit (20 minutes suggested) would also be established for this part of
the agenda, and a limit to how many questions each member of the LSB would
be allowed to ask. (2?). That the Program Council Report be moved to
follow the Treasurer's Report, and that the protocols for this item be the
same as the General Manager's Report, but that the time limit be no more
than 5 minutes. Following this report, we should hold the Program Council
election. Weisgal's motion approved by a vote of 10-4.
Agenda Approval: Agenda approved, and adopted as amended: Minutes
Approval, General Manager's Report, Treasurer's Report, Program Council
Report, Program Council Elections. HNO Agenda Approved

d. Minutes Approval: Minutes of January 20, 2010. Staci Davis moved for
Approval of said minutes, HNO, motion Approved.

Comments: Host Pastor of Church providing meeting space. (Audio available at

LSB Regular Meeting Minutes of February 17, 2010 Page 2 of 2
General Manager's Report: (Audio and written copies at

Treasurer's Report: (Audio available at

Program Council Report: (Audio available at Motion by Staci Davis to
develop, and adopt specific criterion program evaluations to be held in open
session. Motion approved by a vote of 23 - 1.
Substitute Motion by Ted Weisgal to keep current Program Council members
inplace for the next two months, second by DeWayne Lark. Weisgal's motion
failed by a vote of 15 - 2.
Motion by Bill Crosier that an ad-hoc committee be formed to work on specific
criterion for program evaluations held in open session. HNO motion approved.
Nancy Hentscel will chair, and determine exactly what criteria constitutes
"open and executive" session.

Public Comment: ( Audio available at

Program Council Elections: Motion by Richard Uzzell that candidates be allowed
to speak 30 seconds as to why they would like to be elected to the Program
Council, with no Q and A. HNO motioned carried. (Audio available at
Candidates: Joseph Kaye, Theresa Allen, Bob Randle, Colleen O'Brien, Staci
Davis, Nancy Saibaria-Naritomi, Ron Reynolds, Ted Weisgal, Wesley Bethune.
Election Results: LSB PC Members: Staci Davis, Ron Reynolds, Nancy Saibaria-
Naritomi. Listener PC Members: Colleen O'Brien, Bob Randle, Walter ?.

Development Committee Report: Bill Crosier, Chair
Motion: Development Committee moves that the LSB extend the Ethical Sponsorship
Resolution adopted in 2009 for six months, to run through December 31, 2010
HNO motion approved.

Recognitions: Alberto Luera congratulated Dr. George Reiter for his newly
electe position of PNB President. (Audio available at

Next Meeting: Date: March 17, 2010
Time: 7: p.m.
Location: Heights Presbyterian Church
240 W. 18th Street
Houston, Texas

Adjournment: Richard Uzzell moved to adjourn. HNO Chair adjourned at 9:55p.m.

Minutes Scribed and Prepared by: Lee Greenwood-Rollins, KPFT LSB Secretary

Minutes Approved by the KPFT LSB:

____________________________ 04/21/10
Witnessed By: