Draft Agenda
PNB Coordinating Committee Meeting
Tuesday May 17, 2011, 8:30 PM EDT

1. Call to Order

2. Call Roll

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Choose Temporary Secretary

5. Approval of April 19 Meeting Minutes

6. Review (briefly) progress on action items from last meeting:

6.1. Arlene to consult with counsel as to appropriate and feasible usage of executive session audio by directors.

6.2. Work group to develop processes re: use of executive session audio in accordance with counsel's recommendation,
consisting of Lydia, Nia and Teresa.

6.3. Summer to contact committee chairs to ascertain whether or not there are any motions coming out of committee to be
placed on agenda.

6.4. Summer to ask all committee chairs to submit written reports/minutes to the PNB at least two days in advance of
meeting, in order to save time by not placing committee reports on agenda, unless there are motions upon which to act.

6.5. Summer to distribute draft agenda to coordinating committee prior to its meeting.

6.6. Carolyn and Summer to contact John Garry to coordinate prompt return of minutes.

6.7. Bill to coordinate with Nia regarding minutes from Houston meeting.

6.8 Develop proposed Bylaws amendments (work group - Lydia, Bill, ____):
* Reduce mandatory in-person meeting--instead of 4 to between 2 and 4
* Allow for regular monthly PNB telephonic meetings
* Correct oversight in seating Affiliate Directors to end of Jan. instead of March

7. Clarify membership for committee:
Per the Pacifica Bylaws, Art. 8, Affiliate Directors do not get to be members of the Coordinating Committee unless they
are also officers of the Foundation. Suggestion: Allow them to be non-voting participants in the committee.

8. Alternatives to in-person PNB Meeting, to cover what's needed
* all-day teleconference(s), with audio conference setup at each station?
* more frequent special meetings/teleconference?
* other

9. Develop PNB Agenda for next (May 25) PNB meeting

10. Develop Proposed Bylaws amendments:
* Reduce no. of mandatory in-person meetings --instead of 4 to between 2 and 4
* Allow for regular monthly PNB telephonic meetings
* Make Bylaws easier to amend --see amendment proposed last year for Art. 17 at

11. Confirm Next Committee Meeting Date (May 17, 8:30 PM Eastern)

12. Review Action Items

13. Adjourn (by approx. 10:30 PM Eastern or earlier)