I Call to order and roll call

II. Introduction of taskforce members - name and station/state affiliation (5)

III. New Radio station representatives (15)

Introduction and welcome of representative(s) from new Minnesota radio
station - (Ursula Reudenberg)
Presentation by Minnesota radio station guests

IV. Approval of Agenda (5)

V. Approval of minutes (5)

VI. Orientation with Affiliates Director Ursula Ruedenberg (45 )

Audioport Program
The focus of this orientation will largely be the affiliate taskforce's
audioport program, which has provided tremendous opportunity for affiliated
radio stations across the country to promote and distribute their radio

VII. Old business: Survey project update (5)

VIII. New business

VIII. Adjourn


I. Meeting called to order at 8:10pm

Attendees: Jack Kurzweil, Chandra Hauptman, Kim Kaufman, Teresa Allen, Jim
Boyd, Jim Brinkley, Kathy Davis, Campbell Johnson, Heather Gray, Ursula
Ruedenberg, Deena Kolbert, Betsy McDougal (guest)

Excused: Jessica Apolinar, Nia Bediako, Efia Nwangaza (requested 6-28-11)

II. New Radio Station representative: Introduction and welcome of
representative, Betsy McDougal of White Earth Reservation, which has received a
$500K PTFP grant in Minnesota to build a radio station; will be serving 1300
sq. mile rural area with 5 tribal villages. Will have major educational role
and also role in promoting healthy communities.

III. Introduction of taskforce members - name and station/state affiliation

IV. Approval of Agenda: Approved without objection.

V. Approval of minutes: May 26th. Approved without objection.

VI. Orientation with Affiliates Director Ursula Ruedenberg(in this position
since 2002): Affilaite director is currently relocated to Ames, IA & assisting
in starting a radio station there. **U Ruedenberg will post Program Mission
and other items of orientation. Explained the history of Pacifica Radio
Network and Audioport Program in detail and took Q&A. Several members asked
about the Affiliate budget.

**K Kaufman will ask about the budget on Finance Cmte. meeting. **U Ruedenberg
will send the Taskforce what she has about Affiliate budget. **J Brinkley
asked for future framing of discussion for fundraising from perspective of 150+
member network.

Audioport Program
The focus of this orientation will largely be the affiliate taskforce's
audioport program, which has provided tremendous opportunity for affiliated
radio stations across the country to promote and distribute their radio

VII. Old business: Survey project update. U Ruedenberg has asked for questions
of affiliates individually and at NFCB-not much luck. Recommends discussion by
email, perhaps a subcommittee. C Johnson suggested questions about funding
sources; U Ruedenberg agrees discussion may want to inform us regarding huge
economic problems coming down the pike and how it will impact the Foundation
and affiliates. Need fundraising discussion soon-it will help refine our
questions for the Survey.

VIII. New business: T Allen requests LSB/PNB members make reports to the LSB's
about Affiliate Taskforce news. Please distribute Affiliate Reports.

IX. Confirm next meeting date: July 28, 2011.

X. T Allen moved to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:04pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Teresa J. Allen, Secretary

Submitted 2011-8-25

Approved 2011-8-25