[DRAFT] PNB Technology Committee Minutes 9/27/2004

A regular meeting of the Pacifica National Board Technology Committee
was held via teleconference on Monday, September 27, 2004, at 5:10 pm
PST using the facilities of freeconference.com. Curt Schroell convened
the meeting, which was web cast live on http://kpftx.org until
executive session. The public portion of the meeting audio will be
archived online at http://www.kpftx.org/archive.htm#pnb. Without
objection, the minutes of the May 21, 2004 and June 20, 2004 meetings
were approved after reading was waived.

Eight Members present, constituting a quorum: Dave Adelson, Terry
Goodman, Patty Heffley, Roger Manning, Curt Schroell, Wendy Schroell,
Nile El Wardani, Zarinah Shakir

Seven Members absent: Steve Conley, Mark Hernandez, Tracey Lewis,
Tiokasin Ghosthorse, Cleveland Spears, Al Delaney, William Walker

The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:10 pm Pacific time.
The agenda was discussed and approved as amended.

Upon advice that its resolution of May 21st requesting a report from
the Executive Director had not gone to the PNB Coordinating Committee,
the committee authorized Patty Heffley to send it to Ray Laforest and
Roger Manning for tracking by WBAI members of that committee. Adelson
suggested that it be included in the committee's report to the PNB,
and there was no objection.

There was discussion of a proposal for Pacifica funding of a proposal
from Radio for Peace International. Some committee members received a
printed copy of the proposal via postal mail in advance of the
meeting. Additionally, the following URLs were sent to committee
members by the Chair for reference in advance of the meeting:

Radio for Peace International Democracy Now Report:

RFPI Responds to University for Peace press release of 11/3/03:

Free Speech Is Frozen Out in Costa Rica:

RPI Online Journal, September 1, 2004:

Scooter Interviews Tom Voorhees Off Air:

Also, the Secretary offered to research and provide additional
information for inclusion in the minutes.

"The Lifeline is a self-powered radio designed specifically for
children living on their own, distance education or other
humanitarian projects. Robustly constructed to operate in the
harshest of conditions and climates, the Lifeline radio is rugged,
colourful, easy to use and carry, receives excellent AM/FM/SW
and plays for many hours non-stop on wind-up energy or solar
power. It is available to aid and donor agencies for bona fide
humanitarian initiatives."


Portable FM Radio Stations: Broadcasting with the Sun
(The reach of FM is limited, but the discussion here is relevant)

Adelson presented background and reported on a phone conversation
regarding the proposal. It was announced that RFPI will be making a
presentation at the upcoming PNB meeting.

Motion from Adelson, as amended

RESOLVED, The committee reports that it finds that there is no other
technology that we are aware of that will allow Pacifica to reach the
worldwide audience available via shortwave and that the Radio for
Peace International proposal is compatible with the Pacifica Mission
and its message of peace.

There was no vote on the resolution, but it was presumed adopted
without objection.

There was discussion regarding advances in MP3 player technology, the
varieties of MP3 content distribution, and the key importance of
interface design. Adelson agreed to send a written report to the
committee, but warned that it might not be available prior to the PNB

Motion from El-Wardani, as amended

RESOLVED, That Dave Adelson present a report to the PNB on the latest
MP3 technology.

There was no vote on the resolution, but it was presumed adopted
without objection.

There was discussion about problems with digital radio, as reported by
Jim Bennet and others at the Pacifica Tech Talk retreat after GRC9 in
June, 2004. The following URLs were sent to committee members by the
Chair for reference in advance of the meeting:

Infytech homepage

Making an informed decision on HD Radio

Your radios ... All turned to junk By Government edict ...

Motion from Goodman, as amended

RESOLVED, The PNB Technology Committee shares the skepticism expressed
in the Bennet letter, "Making an Informed Decision on HD Radio."

Motion to table from El-Wardani
Motion to table PASSED by roll call vote
3 YES (W. Schroell, Shakir, Manning)
1 NO (Goodman)

Pount of order from Adelson, a motion to table takes precedence.
Well taken.

Motion from Heffley

RESOLVED, That the PNB Technology Committee requests that the Pacifica
Executive Director provide a written report to this committee of new
technology projects being undertaken by the Foundation, including
costs incurred and projected.

Motion withdrawn prior to a second, as the meeting was required to end
its public session to free the stream for another committee.

Point of order from Manning, the motion was previously adopted.
Not well taken.

The committee entered executive session to discuss security problems
discovered in connection with the Pacifica Internet Tuner. Quorum was
lost during this discussion, but a majority of a quorum was obtained
when a resolution was prepared for committee consideration.

Motion from Adelson, as amended

WHEREAS, bugs and security holes are often found in initial releases
of new software and interfaces,

RESOLVED, That PNB technology committee recommends that prior to the
public release by Pacifica of any new internet audio interface, it be
provided to the PNB Technology Committeee for beta testing and
security review.

Motion PASSED by roll call vote
5 YES (Adelson, Goodman, Manning, Heffley, W. Schroell)
0 NO

The meeting was adjourned at 7:02 pm PST.

Terry L. Goodman
Secretary, PNB Technology Committee

APPENDIX A - Meeting Notice

[Note: The 9/21/04 meeting failed quorum, so the meeting was

From: Roger Manning, PNB Secretary
To: Pacifica Nation Board, GM's, LSB Secretaries, & Others
Subject: NOTICE - more PNB commmittee meetings - Sept 18, 21, 22
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004

PLEASE POST WIDELY (and announce on-air where possible)

Meetings of the following committees of the Pacifica National Board
are upcoming via


- Sat. Sept. 18,
12:00pm Pacific, 1:00pm Mountain, 2:00pm Central, 3:00pm Eastern:
PNB programming Committee

- Tues. Sept. 21,
12:30pm Pacific, 1:30pm Mountain, 2:30pm Central, 3:30pm Eastern:
PNB Coordinating Committee

- Tues. Sept. 21,
5:00pm Pacific, 6:00pm Mountain, 7:00pm Central, 8:00pm Eastern:
PNB Technology Committee [moved from 9-19-04]

- Weds. Sept. 22,
12:00pm Pacific, 1:00pm Mountain, 2:00pm Central, 3:00pm Eastern:
Board/Staff Relations [exec session to address personnel issues - not

Meetings will be webcast and archived at http://kpftx.org

Pacifica: 510-849-2590 http://pacifica.org

APPENDIX B - Amended Agenda

I. Coordination with Coordinating Committee
II. Pacifica's participation assisting the restart of RFPI
III. KU Uplinks outside of Berkeley (tabled to next meeting)
IV. Bennet Paper on HD Radio
V. Advances in MP3 Technology
VI. Security Problems with the Pacifica Internet Tuner (closed