8/10/05 WPFW LSB Meeting - Minutes
WPFW Local Station Board Meeting
August 10, 2005, 7:00 p.m.
The Flemming Center, Washington, DC

Call to Order: 7:25 p.m.
1. Board members in attendance:

Billy Ray Edwards
Jim Brown
Carol Wolfe
Gloria Turner
Kalonji Olusegun Jane Gatewood
Joni Eisenberg
Joe Chiara
Rob Robinson
Cade Campbell
Dan Logan Mark Roberts
Thomas Ruffin
Acie Byrd
Zarinah Shakir
Ron Pinchback, WPFW General Manager and non-voting LSB member, was also in
Excused: Ambrose Lane, Luzette King, Mark Berman, Sarah Bittle, Ayo Handy Kendi

Katea Stitt.
Unexcused: Steve Hoffman, Norberto Martinez, Hakam Takash

2. Approval of Agenda
Jane moves to add under Old Business: Establish a bylaws committee that will
participate in national bylaws review.
Billy ray moves to add an item reestablish LSB program on the air.
Thomas moves to limit this meeting to the budget as discussed in the past two
Zarinah moves to add upcoming event this weekend: art program. Jim said that
will be in the committee reports. Zarinah wants to add to new business:
cleaning the station.
Mark R. moves to approve the agenda as amended and Kalonji seconds.
3. Approval of Minutes
Mark R. moves accepting minutes. Rob R. seconds. Motion carries.
4. New Business
a. Budget
Jane moves: Adopt the proposed FY 06 budget, with the understanding that
additional details concerning the budgeted expense for "gross salaries" will be
worked out prior to October 1, 2005 in executive sessions with the General
Manager (re: local staffing) and the Pacifica Executive Director (re: GM
Joni seconds the motion.
Thomas moves to amend the proposed budget to reflect changes in a document he
Dan moves to declare out of order discussion of items on related to personnel
as agreed in previous meetings.
Parliamentarian rules that without a second, Thomas motions dies. Chair calls
again for a second. Billy Ray seconds Thomas's motion.
Dan then repeats his motion to declare the portion of Thomas's amendment
dealing with salaries and expenses and the section on page 2 related to
salaries and expenses should be declared out of order since the LSB had
previously voted to discuss personnel-related issues in executive session only.

Joe Chiara seconds Dan's motion.
Mark R. moves to amend Dan's motion to exclude consideration of Thomas's
document since it supersedes the committee's work and violates the principles
that we had agreed to.
Billy Ray moves to table budget discussion and move it to executive session.
Thomas seconds Billy Rays motion.
4 ayes. 8 opposed. Billy Ray's motion is defeated. Discussion of the budget
Mark calls the question to close debate.
9 ayes. 3 opposed. 2 abstentions. Motion is carried to amend Dan's motion to
exclude consideration of Thomas's document.
Parliamentarian rules that debate is closed by 2/3 of those present and voting
on this issue.
Question called: Dan's amendment.
11 ayes. 1opposed 2 abstentions.
Dan's amendment passes.
Mark R. calls the question on Thomas's motion as amended by Dan.
Vote on ending debate on Thomas's motion as amended:
11 ayes. All opposed.1. abstentions: 2
Debate closes.
All in favor of Thomas's motion as amended by Dan:
Ayes: 7 opposed: 1 abstentions: 6
Motion is defeated.
Return to Jane's motion.
Jane moves: Adopt the proposed FY 06 budget, with the understanding that
additional details concerning the budgeted expense for "gross salaries" will be
worked out prior to October 1, 2005 in executive sessions with the General
Manager (re: local staffing) and the Pacifica Executive Director (re: GM

Joni moves that a committee be established, perhaps coordinated by Jane, to
propose how our meetings can be improved.
Joe Chiara moves that since we have to go over personnel items in executive
session and we need more time to review document that was distributed today,
that we meet again.
Acie seconds the motion.
Thursday, August 18 is set for an executive session devoted to the budget,
including a vote
9 ayes 5 abstentions 0 opposed
Motion carries. There will be a meeting on Thursday, August 18.
5. Community Comment begins at 9:20 p.m. Community comment concludes at 9:25
p.m. after all present have spoken.
6. General Manager's report is given.
Billy Ray moves that PNB representatives provide a written report for every
meeting. Motion is seconded by Acie Byrd.
Motion carries.
7. Reports from PNB represented presented.
8. Report from LSB Development and Outreach Committee is presented.
Meeting adjourned at 10:10 pm