2012-02-06 PNB Development Taskforce Minutes

I. Call to order and roll call (5)

II. Approval of Agenda (5)

III. Approval of Minutes 2013-01-09

IV. Exploring ideas for 2012 activities

. promotion/marketing campaign for Pacifica
-review of discussion with American Forum

. Capital campaigns/debt relief
- WMNF move
- other ideas along this line

. seeking support for coverage of elections

. enhancing communication networks in Pacifica between producers and
stations/Pacifica's sister stations and affiliates

V. Taskforce structure

. membership composition - when/what process
. chair/secretary elections - when???

VI. Adjourn

I.Meeting was called to order at 8:10pm EST.

Present: Teresa Allen, Heather Gray, Carolyn Birden, Bill Crosier, Ivon Alcime,
Campbell Johson, Jessica Apolinar, Summer Reese, Revalyn Gold, Laura Prives,
Kathy Davis Excused: Andrea Turner

II. Agenda approved without objection

III. Minutes 2012-01-09 approved without objection

IV. Exploring ideas for 2012 activities- discussion/brainstorming session:

. promotion/mktg campaign for Pacifica -review of discussion with American

*H Gray- Affiliates will be sending a monthly newsletter of useful
news/info/ to affiliates; **will set up another call with American

*S Reese- considering our relationship w/ affiliates, one would not
consider us the "largest network" Affiliates are not branding with

*I Alcime- concerned for marketing needs at stations

*C Birden- provide programming of use to target audiences with hope of
increasing listenership/membership by date of record for Pacifica
elections; e newsletter internally with focus that people want to se

*Summer R- set GOALS to let people know of our presence; break into
component parts; frustrating that staffers ignore implementing policy;
wants Development to help with Network Campaign

*I Alcime- use a station that is doing well as a pilot-but our
programming SUCKS!

. Capital campaigns/debt relief
- WMNF move
- other ideas along this line

. seeking support for coverage of elections

. enhancing communication networks in Pacifica between producers
and stations/Pacifica's sister stations and affiliates

*S Reese- Wants Board members to seek a grant for elections coverage-as
from Ben & Gerry's; wants job descriptions on hires that ED proposed

**R Gold- will contact Annenberg School of Communications (for possible
interns for press releases?)

**H Gray- will set up development listserve & make a list of what each
station is doing for elections coverage

* R Gray- wants unique programming and approach to coverage of

*C Johnson- concerned about revenue sources; **will find out what John
Hughes/ED) have in mind for elections coverage and entities that may

*S Reese- wants plan to cover conventions, G8 Summit, etc. & develop
sources of funding

**S Reese moved, "That members of Development Taskforce take
assignments to develop funding sources for 2012 convention coverage."
Passed without objection. Those interested are T Allen, H Gray, C
Johnson, R Gold, & S Reese. H Gray will set up a meeting with ED.

**I Alcime asks about corporate underwriting. T Allen will call him to

**I Alcime moved, "That Development Taskforce focus on Capital
Campaign, Debt Relief and support for Coverage of 2012 elections."

**C Birden moved to amend, "That this be the first item on the agenda
of our next meeting." No objection. Amended motion passed without

V. Taskforce structure

. membership composition - when/what process
. chair/secretary elections - when???

**T Allen moved that H Gray convene that next Development Taskforce
meeting and that officers be elected then. Passed without objection.

**It was suggested that our next meeting be March 5, 2012 at 8:30pm
EST. No objection.

VI. Meeting adjourned at 10pm EST.

Respectfully submitted,
Teresa J. Allen

2012-02-08; approved 2012-03-21