Minutes for the special National Finance Committee meeting September 5, 2012.

Meeting convened at 8:40 PM (ET) a quorum being present, the Chair and Secretary being present.
Attending: Ken Aaron, Jim Boyd, Bill Crosier, Kim Kaufman, R. Paul Martin, Tracy Rosenberg, Alex Steinberg, Barbara
Whipperman, Also attending were acting Executive Director Summer Reese, KPFA interim General Manager Andrew Phillips,
KPFA Business Manager Maria Negret, KPFA Subscriptions Director Phil Osegueda and KPFA’s Network Systems Consultant
Roger Marquis.

The KPFA FY13 draft budget

The committee discussed the KPFA draft FY13 budget proposal. KPFA is proposing to increase the number of on-air fund
raiser days from 86 in FY12 to 89 in FY13. The issue of KPFK and KPFA having different on-air fund raiser dates but
sharing some programming was discussed. The issue of KPFA proposing to move some of its Fall on-air fund raiser days
from October into September was discussed. The Web site and other technology related expenses were discussed. The
committee discussed KPFA’s desire to contract with a company called Goal Busters, pending discussions with the acting
Executive Director, to help with off-air fund raising efforts. The station hopes to increase some of its revenue lines
through this arrangement. The committee also discussed KPFA’s personnel expenses.

Motion: (Bill Crosier) “That in the KPFA FY13 draft budget proposal we reduce the expected ‘Listener Support’ line item
(General Ledger account #5000) by $100,000. and also cut ‘Major Donor (>$1K per donor)’ (General Ledger account #5752)
by $100,000.” (Passed 7 for, 0 against, 1 abstention)

Motion: (Tracy Rosenberg) “To recommend expense cuts in the KPFA FY13 draft budget proposal as follows: $15,000 to the
‘News Services’ line (General Ledger account #6670), $10,000 to the ‘Pension Expense’ line (General Ledger account
#6102) under ‘Personnel Costs,’ $10,000 to the ‘Premiums - Other Vendors’ line (General Ledger account #6750) under
‘Development Expenses,’ 15% off ‘Repairs and Maintenance’ (General Ledger account #6650), for $6,780, reduce ‘Computer
Maintenance’ (General Ledger account #6665) by $5,400, reduce ‘Web-Site Expenses’ (General Ledger account #6698) by
$4,500, to apply a balance of $120,000 to personnel reduction.” (Passed without objection)

Note: at the October 23, 2012, NFC meeting it was determined that in the above motion the phrase, “$10,000 to the
‘Pension Expense’ line (General Ledger account #6102)” should in fact have referenced General Ledger account #6103.

Adjourned 12:27 AM (ET), September 6, 2012.

Submitted by R. Paul Martin, Secretary.