Pacifica KPFT 90.1 FM LSB
Regular Meeting,
February 10, 2016
Montrose Center, 401 Branard, 7:00PM


Call to order/Chair DeWayne Lark at 7:15 PM
Call: Secretary Susan Radwan

Legend for Attendance: P=present A=absent X= Excused Absence

Listener Members Listener Members Listener Members Staff Members
X-Ira Aghai A-Phil
Collins P-Gerald Lynch P-Tony Cox
P-Teresa J. Allen P-Don Cook P-Susie Moreno P-Joseph Davis
P-Alan Alan
Apurim X-Bill Crosier P-Susan Radwan P-Mike Lewis
P-Wesley Bethune P-Anisa Faruqi P-Nancy Saibara-Naritomi P-Vinisha
P-Adriana Casenave P-Hank Lamb P-Deborah Shafto P-George Reiter
A-MariaElena Castellanos P-DeWayne
Lark P-Ted Weisgal P-Clif Smith
Ex-Officio Member -P- Duane

The agenda was approved with a change requested by Duane Bradley to move the general manager’s report to
after public comment to allow him to leave due to an early pledge center commitment.

Minutes were approved from
the January 24, 2016 regular LSB Meeting.

Committee reports
Public comment
General Managers

DeWayne Lark relinquishes the chair to vice-chair, Ted Weisgal.

Committee reports

Teresa Allen moves that we develop an ad hoc committee to meet with the general manager and program
director to discuss the formation of a program council to be populated by George Reiter.
Clif Smith objects.
Weisgal moves the motion to new business.

Pacifica KPFT 90.1 FM LSB
Regular Meeting,
February 10, 2016
Montrose Center, 401 Branard, 7:00PM

Dewayne Lark resumes

The results for the PNB committees are as follows:
Task Force:
Affiliate – Anisa Faruqi, Susie
Moreno, Nancy Saibara-Naritomi, Teresa Allen,
Spanish Language – Vinisha Patel-Adams, Anisa Faruqi
Archives –
Teresa Allen, Ted Weisgal, Anisa Faruqi

Audit – Nancy Saibara-Nartomi, Deborah Shafto
Adriana Casenave (PNB), Vinisha Patel-Adams, Nancy Saibara-Naritomi, Anisa Faruqi
Election – Nancy Saibara-Naritomi,
Deborah Shafto,
Governance – George Reiter, Don Cook
Programing – Nancy Saibara-Naritomi, Teresa Allen

Weisgal makes a motion requesting $500 for the ARDC Conference as seed money to confirm the reservation of the CWA Hall
on June 4th.
The vote was 14 in favor, none opposed, the motion passses.

DeWayne Lark moves to resend the
banning of weekend meetings.

George Reiter moves to adjourn. 5 in favor, 10 opposed, the motion

Nancy Saibara-Naritomi calls to question to vote on the motion to resend the banning of the weekend
meetings. 12 in favor, 2 opposed.

The motion to resend the banning of the weekend meetings passes. The vote was
13 in favor.

DeWayne Lark asked that the 2016 committees be convened by the prior chairs.
Finance, Governance,
Programing – Joseph Davis ; MSRC, Vinisha Patel-Adams ; ARDC – Ted Weisgal
The meeting is adjourned at 10:27

Submitted by Susan Radwan, secretary.