Local Station Board Meeting of April 17, 2016
Aris & Carolyn Anagnos Peace Center
3916 Sepulveda Blvd, Culver City, CA 90230
I. Call to Order 10:45 a. m.
Excused absence requests from Jonathan Alexander, Christian Beck, Lydia
Brazon, and Roberta Eidman. Tej Grewall absent, did not request an excused
absence. Excused absences are approved by consensus.
a) Present are Chair Sharon Brown, Secretary Jaime Gomez, Treasurer Fred
Blair, and LSB Members Grace Aaron; Ken Aaron; Jonathan Alexander; Sandy
Childs; Leslie Fox; Charles Fredricks; Aryana Gladney; Jan Goodman; Steve
Kaiser; Maggie Lepique; Ali Lexa; Michael Novick; Steve Pride; Reza Pour,
Dorothy Reik; Myla Reson; Mansoor Sabbagh; Fernando Velasquez; and General
Manager Leslie Radford.
b) Designate Timekeeper(s): Steve Kaiser is designated time keeper
c) Moment of Silence for for KPFK members who have recently passed away.
d) LSB members introduce themselves, and note what advisory committees they
serve on.
e) Agenda Approval: Agenda is approved by consensus, as modified below (1-7).
1. Grace Aaron, would like to add Meeting Decorum motion, seven
minutes requested. Motion carries.
2. Steve Pride moves to add Personnel motion for evaluation of
GM/PD. Five minutes added. Motion carries.
3. Jan Goodman, two more motions from Personnel Committee that would
like to be added. GM evaluation. To be taken up by Steve Pride.
Motion carries.
4. Motion for 11:15 time certain for Jan Goodman's Director Report.
Motion carries.
5. Chair: Motion template will be sent out electronically. Motions
should come through committees to Governance to be placed on the
agenda for LSB. It is difficult to organize our meeting when all
these motions come up for first time at the meeting instead of
being put on the agenda ahead of time.
6. Ken Aaron: Advisory Committee staffing policy should be first
item on new business. Carries without objection.
EXCLUSIONOF WBAI DIRECTORS was never voted upon at last LSB
meeting, and should be on agenda as first item under old
II. Jan Goodman PNB Director Report: (11:15) I am covering litigation happening
at Pacifica now. There are two lawsuits. One was filed in N.Y., representing
two members of WBAI having to do with representation by WBAI at the national
level, and seating of people on the LSB and national board. This arose from the
situation last May where there was a resolution by the national board to extend
expired terms of national members in contradiction of bylaws. This created a
mess at WBAI, as to who was to take the place of a woman who termed out. This
has created a situation where Pacifica has not had representation from WBAI
since January. So, this lawsuit was filed to uphold the WBAI bylaws.
Six or seven national Directors should have been termed out, so a second
lawsuit was filed in regard to National Directors. There was a hearing last
Tuesday to allow service by certified mail, and to make individual defendants.
That lawsuit is based on Pacifica bylaws stipulation that National Director
terms cannot be extended more than three years without a national listenership
election, and that has not happened. The extension of Director terms was made
in contradiction to Pacifica bylaws and in contradiction to California
Corporation Code.
The PNB has not adhered to N.Y. restraining order, so they are in contempt as
relates to N.Y.
LSB question and answer session with Jan Goodman regarding lawsuits.
III. Minutes Approvals: Minutes are approved by consensus.
Meeting Decorum Motion: Grace Aaron moves that motion be considered at this
time. Motion is read and discussed by LSB members. Motion adopted as amended by
consensus. Amendment added phrase to end of item #1, reading "unless giving a
report or asked to respond."
IV. General Manager Report by Leslie Radford: To summarize briefly, we have an
interim general engineer. We have rearranged the fund drive schedule per
suggestions from Staff. We are having trouble with quiet drive, and will be
consulting with WPFW to get feedback on their success. We have been going full
steam on outreach. Would like to thank staff and volunteers for their efforts.
We have expanded our social media and it is beginning to take off. Regarding
finances, we have approval to delay payments to national office for April. I
propose that PNB be asked by LSB to approve $80,000 loan to assist with FTC
requirements for mailing premiums. A few things about upcoming motions: A four
week search is required by EEOC guidelines for the hiring of a Finance Manager.
Board Q&A for GM occurs
Grace Aaron makes motion: At the request of the KPFK GM, the KPFK LSB asks for
PNB authorization to obtain an unsecured loan(s) of up to $80,000 for KPFK to
purchase and deliver back logged premiums, as long as all efforts are made by
the KPFK GM to reduce the cost of those premiums. Motion carries without
Board Q&A for GM continues
V. PNB Directors and Treasurer Reports
Grace Aaron: There is a restraining order from N.Y. that there should be no LSB
meetings in N.Y., and there should be no national meetings until a judge has
heard the restraining order. I have protested that failure to seat board
members by the PNB. I am very conversant with the two lawsuits if anyone would
like an explanation on the intricacies of these suits after the meeting.
I would ask the chair if we could move the Yeakey/Hauptman motion at this time.
Discussion of motion by LSB members occurs.
13 to 4 in favor of passing the motion with no abstention. So passed.
Michael Novick: I am on elections task force committee, and we met about the
election process so that everyone can receive their ballots promptly. The PNB
did vote to seat the only person eligible to be seated. The problem with WBAI
is that there was never a quorum to have the directors seated. The person to
fill the seat at that point was not someone from the current election, but from
the previous election. There has not been a quorum held meeting of WBAI to seat
officers or directors.
Board Q&A to Director occurs
Fred Blair: PNB Treasurer's Report-No formal report for today. Just got
financials for Feb and March on April 6. I am a little horrified looking at the
amount of fund drives. We are going to have more fund drive days than regular
programming days. And that is besides the quiet drive. Also, as noted by GM,
for the quiet drive we got financial data from paypal, we are averaging about
$200 a day. That is obviously not working. We need to have a working website,
it is crucial to raising money.
Board Q&A to Treasurer occurs
VI. Public Comments Occur (15 minutes)
VII. PNB National Committees (w/ LSB delegates)
Governance Ken Aaron: Did not reach quorum, so meeting not held.
Elections (Blair/Fredricks/Novick): Bill Crosier elected chair pro-tem.
Election of national elections supervisor was posted. Fredricks says PNB
elections committee should review seating of WBAI directors.
Audit (Reik/Reson/G. Aaron): Audit committee has been busy. Basically we met
with the auditor who is working on 2014 audit, and met with CFO. Big problem is
that audits are way behind schedule. 2014 audit should have been filed in June
of 2015. Because of this we are not eligible for grants from CPB. Part of
reason audit has not been completed is because stations do not produce timely
financial statements (including KPFK). Full time business manager was approved
for KPFK in January 2016. Myla Reson elected chair pro-tem of audit committee.
Q&A for Audit Committee occurs
Programming (Beck/Sabbagh/Sinclair): Has not yet met.
Inclusion (Pride, Goodman, Velasquez, Sabbagh): Has not yet met.
VII. KPFK Committee Reports
Finance (Blair): Met last Wednesday, spent an hour discussing committee
membership. I hope that the motion we are looking at today helps. We finally
did discuss financials, but our GM was unable to attend at last minute. We
passed one motion about business manager, which is under new business.
Personnel (Pride): I suggest you go to minutes of Personnel committee, and
suggest we take up motions now.
6 to 9 motion fails on recommendation to convert interim Program Director to
Director. Motion to establish ad-hoc LSB evaluation committee also fails, and
was referred back to Personnel as the appropriate committee to conduct
evaluation processes for GM and PD. The Personnel Committee should forward the
results of their own evaluation processes to the LSB.
Outreach (Pour): Has not met yet.
Fundraising Task Force (Reik): Smile.amazon is a good way to make money. Move
that we do it. The other motion is for each member of the board to try to
recruit five sustainers to donate $5 a month level.
13-4-1 motion carries. Dorothy will create form for how to go about signing
people up to be sustainers.
Programming Oversight (Ken Aaron): KPFK Programming goals is on agenda for new
business. Strip programming motion was voted down by committee.
Moved to consider KPFK Programming Goals motion.
LSB discusses motion
12-2-3 motion passes
Agenda modified by vote of 12 to 3 to take up motion on KPFK LSB Advisory
Committee Staffing Policy
Ken Aaron presents motion.
Motion is discussed
Public Comment is allowed (15 minutes)
Motion is approved as amended, by consensus. Amendment replaced the phrase "all
seated members of that committee" in motion items 7 and 8, with the wording "a
majority vote of all committee members, present or not."
Next Meeting scheduled for 05/15 at Peace Center, 10:30 am.
Meeting adjourns at 2:55 p.m.
Secretary's Note: LSB did not get to point on agenda for old items. Nor did LSB
get to point on agenda for new items (although one new motion item on agenda
was voted upon).
Appendix A - Agenda Items Not Addressed
a) Motion to Condemn Exclusion of WBAI Directors
b) Motion to Report All Sound Exchange
c) Motion for GM to Report Projects Overseen by Volunteer Coordinator
d) Motion to Create KPFK Fundraising Committee to Pursue New Sources of
Motion to Hire Full-Time Business Manager for KPFK
Appendix B - Meeting Notice
Proper notice of this meeting was posted on the KPFK Calendar and at the
Pacifica Calendars as required.
Appendix C - Passed Motions
C1. Meeting Decorum Motion
Meeting Decorum
The following rules and progressive discipline apply to KPFK Local Station
Board members and the public at LSB regular meetings as well as LSB committee
1. At a meeting of the Local Station Board LSB members must wait to be
recognized by the Chair before speaking. Each speaker shall be allowed to speak
for 90 seconds, unless a different time limit is agreed on. No one shall speak
a second time unless anyone who hasn't spoken and wishes to speak has done so.
No one shall be allowed to speak more than 2 times on any one agenda item,
unless giving a report and/or being asked to respond.
2. No LSB member or member of the public may physically assault or touch
another person in an unwanted manner at any meeting. To do so will result in
the Chair asking the offending person to leave the meeting. Failure to leave
may result in the offender losing all future speaking and attendance rights.
3. No LSB member or member of the public may speak without being recognized,
interrupt another who has the floor or otherwise disrupt a meeting by any
verbal or physical action. The only exception is to make a Point of Order, or
other such Point of Privilege as allowed per Roberts Rules of Order, which can
be done only by LSB members or members of LSB committees. An LSB member who
makes a Point of Order may interrupt another LSB member who is speaking. (See
Roberts Rules of Order, Chapter VIII, Point 23, # 3 (a point of order) "is in
order when another has the floor, even interrupting a person speaking or
reading a report, if the point genuinely requires attention at such a time".)
Personal verbal attacks on the character of another should also be considered
disruptive and not tolerated. Less formality may be desired in some committees
at the discretion of the chair and/or the body. However, if discourtesy or
disruption impede the work of the committee more formal procedures should be
reverted to, at least for the duration of that meeting.
4. Upon a first minor offense (interrupting a speaker, for example) the Chair
would give the offender a warning. Upon a second offense, a second warning
should be given. Upon a third offense in the same meeting, the Chair may ask
the body to consider depriving the offender of the right to be recognized for
the remainder of the meeting. Such a request should be voted on immediately and
would not be debatable. If the offender continues disruptive behavior, s/he
will be asked to leave the assembly and, if s/he fails to do so may be barred
from future participation.
5. Any non-LSB member who has been reprimanded frequently for disrupting
regular LSB meetings or LSB committee meetings should not be appointed to any
LSB committee.
6. The attached Zero Tolerance for Violence Pacifca Policy passed in March of
2010 should be followed and adhered to.*
7. Roberts Rules of Order, Chapter XX, DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES should be
referred to and takes precedence over this motion if anything herein stated is
in contradiction to those Rules.
* Pacifica PNB New Policy On Removal Of Board Members For Violence Or Threats
Of Violence
WHEREAS, one of the primary missions of Pacifica, and part of its stated
justification for use of the public airwaves, is to support and promote the
principle of non-violence -- which principle includes renouncing the use of
violence, or threats of violence, to resolve disputes; and
WHEREAS, the Pacifica National Board has received reports that this founding
principle of non-violence has been breached at certain LSB meetings; and
WHEREAS, the Pacifica National Board desires to uphold and maintain this
principle of non-violence in all aspects of its governance and operations; and
WHEREAS, the Pacifica National Board recognizes Pacifica's responsibility to
maintain safety in all of its activities, and specifically to protect persons
at its functions or on its premises from being injured, or threatened with
injury, by violence, and threats of violence, from other persons.
1. Pacifica shall have a zero tolerance policy for violence or threats of
violence at its LSB meetings.
2. The Chairs of each LSB are hereby specifically empowered, at
their discretion, to remove from a duly called meeting of the LSB any
person who engages in violence, or threats of violence, against another person
during the meeting.
3. Members of an LSB who engage in violence, or threats of violence, against
another person during a duly called meeting of the LSB shall be subject to
immediate removal from the meeting at the discretion of the Chair, and shall
also be subject to suspension from membership on the LSB by majority vote of
the other LSB members present and voting at a subsequently called meeting of
the LSB. Any member suspended by his LSB for violating this non-violence policy
shall be denied access to any meetings of the LSB, and to facilities of the
4. The Chairs of each LSB are hereby specifically empowered to remove from a
duly called meeting of the LSB any member who has been suspended from
membership on the LSB for engaging in violence, or threats of violence, against
another person during a meeting of the LSB.
5. The Executive Director and respective station managers are hereby authorized
to hire and appoint a Sergeant at Arms, at the request of a Chair of an LSB, to
enforce the removal directives of the Chair, as set out herein.
6. The Executive Director shall distribute this Zero Tolerance on Violence
policy to each and every member of an LSB.
7. The Chair of each LSB shall distribute copies of this Policy to LSB members
as the first order of business at the LSB's next scheduled meeting.
C2. Motion on Unsecured Loan Request
At the request of the KPFK GM, the KPFK LSB asks for PNB authorization to
obtain an unsecured loan(s) of up to $80,000 for KPFK to purchase and deliver
back logged premiums, as long as all efforts are made by the KPFK GM to reduce
the cost of those premiums.
C3. Yeakey/Hauptman Motion
Whereas, The Pacifica National Board was unaware of California Corporations
Code Section 5220 which makes it illegal to extend the terms of Directors
beyond the term that they were elected, and
Whereas, some members of the PNB were unaware that the Article 17 of Bylaws,
Section B3i, which disallows extending Delegate or Director terms without a
vote of the membership, takes precedence over the bylaw which calls for
staggering Pacifica elections, which has no requirement of a membership vote to
change the bylaw.
And Whereas the PNB passed a resolution on May 7, 20125 which extended the
terms of certain delegates and Directors whose terms ended in December, 2015m
in order to stagger elections.
Whereas a law suit has been filed, entitled: Lamont Yeakey and Chandra Hauptman
vs. Pacifica Foundation, et. al., Case Number RG 1681 0245 filed in the Alameda
County Superior Court which demands that said Delegates and Directors be
removed because their terms have expired,
And Whereas the PNB now recognizes that extending the terms of Delegates and
Directors violated both Pacifica's Bylaws and the Corporations Code, and
Whereas the PNB was unaware that neither the station WMXP nor UHURU radio
station, had current written agreements with Pacifica at the time that Efia
Nwangaza and Jevon Gammon were elected, as required by the Pacifica Bylaws Art.
5 Section 4A and that therefore they were and are unqualified to act as
Affiliate Directors--(just as a person who is not a member of Pacifica, on the
date of record, in any election cannot vote or be elected)
Whereas the cost of defending the above entitled lawsuit will not benefit
Pacifica, inasmuch as the allegations therein, relating to the fact that the
tems of Delegates and Directors elected in 2012 expired in 2015 and therefor
those Delegates and Directors terms are over, despite the resolution passed on
May 7, 2015. And we now recognize that the Affiliate Directors are
unqualified to serve as Affiliate Directors due to their stations not having
current written agreements with Pacifica.
Therefore be it resolved that
1. All Delegates and Directors who were elected in 2012 (or whose predecessor
was elected in 2012) are hereby removed from their seats as Directors and
2. That the Affiliate Directors, Efia Nwangaza and Jevon Gammon representing
WMXP and Uhuru Radio respectively are hereby removed from there positions as
Affiliate Directors.
3. That new elections of Affiliate Directors be commenced, in compliance with
the Pacifica Bylaws.
4. That a quorum of the PNB and each LSB shall be reduced by the number of
Directors and Delegates so removed until they are replaced by the next highest
ranking candidates, and
5. If there are additional seats to be filled on the various LSBs, that the
LSBs will fill those seats by selecting additional LSB members as the Pacifica
Bylaws dictate.
6. The Pacifica National Board instructs the Interim Executive Director to
resolve the matter of Lamont Yeakey and Chandra Hauptman vs. Pacifica, et. al.,
Case Number RG 1681 0245 filed in the Alameda County Superior Court by
indicating to the court and to the lawyers for Yeakey and Hauptman that the
Directors and Delegates have been removed, as indicated above.
C4. Sustaining Sponsors Motion: Each LSB member is to try to recruit five
Sustainer Sponsors to donate at the $5 a month level.
C5. KPFK Programming Goals Motion
KPFK programming should reflect the diverse needs, interests and challenges of
particular relevance to the communities of our signal area. Specifically, the
KPFK GM and PD should work to ensure the diversity of its programming in terms
of demographics, ethnicities, geographical location, and relative income, and
offer information and content of a provocative alternative tenor on eoncomic,
racial, LGBT, environmental justice, anti-war and and anti-imperialist
activism, internationally, nationally and within our station signal area.
Therefore, be it resolved that:
1. KPFK General Manager and Program Director should assure that
programming reflect the diverse needs, interests and challenges of the
communities in our signal area.
2. The KPFK General Manager and Program Director evaluations by the LSB
shall include their success in meeting these goals.
3. The KPFK General Manager will include any progress in regard to these
matters in the GM's monthly report to the LSB.
4. The KPFK Program Director shall give a written report to the
Programming Oversight Committee on a quarterly basis, which shall include
ongoing progress in meeting these goals.
C6. Motion on KPFK LSB Advisory Committee Staffing Policy
KPFK LSB Advisory Committee Staffing Policy
1. Each Advisory Committee of the KPFK Local Station Board (LSB) shall
include at least two LSB members but may not exceed a maximum of one less
than the number that would make an LSB quorum. For a board of 24 members,
quorum is 12+1, and therefore the committee would be limited to a maximum
of 12 LSB members.
2. Members in good standing, per Pacifica Bylaws Article 3 Section 1 and 3,
affiliated with KPFK, who are not LSB Members, can be appointed as members
to Advisory Committees but only for one term and cannot be appointed to
more than two Advisory Committees in any one term.
3. A term for an Advisory Committee is considered to commence after the
appointment of LSB members to the Advisory Committees by the LSB and run
until the following year when LSB members are newly appointed to the
Advisory Committees. This usually occurs in January, after an LSB
election, but will also occur in years when, for any reason, there has
been no recent election. Adjustments may be required due to irregularities
in elections and seating of the LSB. The intent is for the advisory
committees to sit for a 12 month term, no longer.
4. At the beginning of a new term, Advisory Committees will sit for three
meetings, generally over a period of three months, in a pro tem status,
with pro tem members and officers. During that period only attending LSB
members can vote on any motion or procedures. During that period the
chair may choose to allow or deny speaking participation by non-LSB
members seeking appointment to the committee, but until appointed by the
LSB they may not vote. Until such time as the membership of the committee
has been set, there is no requirement to meet any minimum attendance (a
quorum) in order to conduct a meeting, except that there must be two or
more LSB members present.
5. After three meetings, LSB members who have attended all three meetings
will be considered as seated on the committee and officers (chair and
secretary, optionally vice chair) will be elected by the LSB members of
the committee only, to sit for the rest of the term.
6. After three meetings, non-LSB members who qualify as KPFK members in good
standing, as defined in the Bylaws Article 3 Sections 1 and 3, and have
attended at least two of the last three meetings, can request appointment
to an LSB Advisory Committee but must be nominated by an LSB member who is
a member of that committee. As there are no fixed number of non LSB
members who may be appointed to a committee as long as there are not more
than 11, non LSB members who are nominated will be voted on by a 'yes' or
'no' vote by the LSB members of that committee if those members feel that
the non LSB member would add skills and expertise that will aid the
committee in its work to fulfill the Powers and Duties of the LSB. After
the LSB members on the committee decide to add specific non LSB members
those member must be validated by a 'yes' vote of a majority of LSB
members. A list of those nominated and approved for membership on the
committee will be presented at the next LSB meeting for approval by vote
of the LSB, as per Bylaws Article 7 section 10. This approval can most
likely be included in a consent motion on the agenda.
7. LSB members who want to join the Advisory Committee at any point after the
initial three meetings have to be nominated and voted onto the committee
by a majority vote of all committee members, present or not.
8. Non-LSB members who want to join the Advisory Committee after the initial
three meetings have to first attend three consecutive meetings and then be
nominated and voted on the committee by a majority vote of all committee
members, present or not, LSB and non-LSB. Their seating will have to be
approved by a vote of the LSB per Article 7 section 10.
9. An Advisory Committee member who has three, consecutive, unexcused
absences can be removed from the committee by majority vote of the
remaining committee members. The member can appeal his/her removal to the
LSB which may choose to address the appeal or not.
10. An Advisory Committee member who was seated as an LSB member who ceases to
be seated on the LSB is automatically and concurrently removed from the
11. The Advisory Committee Chair, and Vice Chair if appointed, shall be LSB
12. The membership of the committee shall be maintained as a majority of LSB
members and the number of LSB members voting will always be greater than
the non-LSB members voting during any vote of any kind. The method of
selecting which non-LSB members will stand down to establish this ratio
will be determined by the chair and set as procedure for the term of the
13. Prior policy set at KPFK regarding Advisory Committee Composition for LSB
Members of KPFK is superseded by this policy and is therefore rescinded.
14. In all issues not covered above, involving protocol and procedure,
discipline and membership, the Pacifica Bylaws and Roberts Rules of Order
will pertain.
Appendix D - General Manager Written Report Provided to LSB
Report to the Local Station Board 16
April 2016
We have hired an Interim Chief Engineer, Stuart Landau. Stu has hit the ground
running and is working closely with engineers Burt Weiner and Don Mussell to
keep our broadcast signal at its best.
The Executive Director, Pacifica consulting attorney, and I met with union
representatives and the arbitrator on March 22. We didn't reach a settlement,
and the attorney has prepared a brief for the arbitrator.
The Quiet Drive is not doing as well as planned, and we're reviewing our
pitches. We will continue with it since it's working to remind our listeners
that we are powered by them and it provides some much-needed continuity and
collectivity to our sound across programs.
With the upcoming election primaries and in light of the slow returns on the
Quiet Drive, the staff and I have worked out an alternate fund drive schedule
that should get us through the remainder of the fiscal year. It allows us to
keep our regular programming on the air leading into the California primaries,
matches the daily goals of recent drives, and doesn't make us dependent on the
Quiet Drive, although the new schedule unhappily increases our fund drive days
by 21. We will curtail fund drives as the goals are reached.
| Dates | Daily Avg.| Notes | Fund Drive |
| | | |Goal |
| | | | |
| May 3-20 (18 days) |$20556 | |$370,000 |
| | | | |
| June 17-July 17 (28 |$20000 | 4th of July weekend |$560,000 |
|days) | | | |
| | | | |
| Aug 16-31 (14 days) |$20000 | extending bumps into Labor|$275,000 |
| | |Day | |
| | | | |
We're having weekly planning meetings to prepare for the upcoming drive.
To avoid going into an early fund drive, we have advised the National Office
that we will be delaying their April payment until we have sufficient revenue
from the May. The delayed payment is built into the fund drive goal.
We are slowly gaining ground on the outstanding premiums, but progress is much
slower than I'd like. I would like to be able to borrow money to pay this off.
That would take the permission of the PNB, and I would hope the LSB would
consider a motion to request the PNB allow us to borrow $80,000 and pay it out
at $8,000 plus interest over 10 months, if such a loan can be negotiated. The
benefits would be almost immediate, given that some of our sponsors will not
contribute until we make good on their thank-you gifts. Just 570 returning
sponsors at the average donation rate would pay off the loan.
I provided you earlier this week with something close to the correct
Profit(Loss) statement I will send to the National Office. This has been
delayed because the N.O. has asked for copies of all the invoices for the
corrected accounts, and those have been time-consuming to pull, scan, and re-
We remain (barely) current on our operational costs. The current operating
account balance is $59,101.63.
The phones are working for the most part. We need to run cable to the
membership department and Studio A to complete the job.
We have had to repair an air conditioning compressor at Mt. Wilson, and now we
need to repair the air conditioner for master control. Our contractor has
advised us that to run a wire from the thermostat to the roof will cost $2400.
I've asked for quotes from other companies, but I haven't gotten any bids yet.
Special programming this month included our fifth year of 24-hour all-Spanish
language programming in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of La Gran Marcha
for migrants' rights on March 25. We've continued covering key election
The Interim Program Director will provide a more complete report next month.
The Music Director has provided a report on media sponsorships, attached.
Our volunteers have had a busy month. We could not have accomplished the
community goodwill that we've garnered without them.
They flyered the community at the 22nd Annual Viva Zapata March in Boyle
Heights and assisted at three community events.
On April 11, about 90 people attended a KPFK-sponsored talk with Robert
McChesney and John Nichols on their new book, People Get Ready, hosted by John
Wiener. The event netted $456. About half a dozen volunteers assisted.
On April 14, KPFK sponsored Denis Moynihan, David Goodman, and Amy Goodman at
Immanuel Presbyterian Church for approximately 600 people, 30 of whom joined
our guests at a special reception. Alan Minsky facilitated, and Sonali
Kolhatkar, Brian DeShazor, and I provided brief welcoming speeches. Preliminary
figures suggest that event netted more than $3000. About twenty volunteers
helped with ushering, tabling, and other tasks.
The April 16 Community Town Hall in the station parking lot saw about 300
people come through to join us for a sale of excess inventory, break-out groups
on community needs, and music. Income from that event came in at $277. With
donated food, expenses should be under $20. The event was organized by the
current class of the People's School of Broadcasting. Well over two dozen
volunteers worked on gathering, tagging, and inventorying items for sale;
soliciting food donations and preparing food; cleaning the parking lot; setting
up banners, a tarp for shade, tables, and a cooker; and providing music.
We signed up for Google Analytics last month and can now provide some
statistics on website use. Four weeks ago on Friday (our biggest user day), our
total sessions were 1585. On Friday April 14, we reached 1729 sessions.
Likewise, our Friday page views have risen from 3197 to 3449. Our Friday users
have risen from 1326 to 1446. These data are too preliminary to demonstrate
trends, but they're hopeful signs.
Above Graph did not accurately import from pdf file.
Our Facebook total page views are up 39% (currently at 1789) over the past 28
days, our reach is up 258% (512,814), and our post engagement is up 128%
(116,026) over the same period. Much of the increase is due to the popularity
of posts from the news department on the Arizona primary (469.1K reach; 79.5K
engagement) and the stabbings of anti-Klan ralliers in Anaheim (111K reach;
22.9 engagement), attesting to the popularity of our news department.
We've added Snapchat and Periscope to our social media tool belt, and we've
more than doubled our use of Instagram (2561 followers).
Thanks to Maggie LePique for her report.
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie Radford
General Manager, KPFK
15 April 2016