Location meeting: The Montrose Center, 401 Branard Street

8:30pm roll call:
|Staff |Listener |
|P Cox, Tony |P Allen, Teresa |P Cook, Don |P Moreno, Susie |
|P Davis, Joseph |P Apurim, Alan-Alan |P Crosier, |A Radwan, Susan |
| | |Bill | |
|P Lewis, Mike |P Bethune, Wesley |P Faruqi, |P Saibara-Naritomi, |
| | |Anisa |Nancy |
|P Patel-Adams, |P Casenave, Adriana |P Lamb, Hank |P Shafto, Deborah |
|Vinisha | | | |
|P Reiter, George |P Castellanos, |P Lark, |P Weisgal, Ted |
| |Maria-Elena |DeWayne | |
|P Smith Clif |A Collins, Phil |P Lynch, Gerry|P White, Kevin |
|P Ex-Officio General Manager Duane Bradley |

22 members present, quorum is achieved.

Motion to approve the agenda.

Motion to move item 6g to 6.1, approved HNO.

Agenda is approved HNO.


PNB report.

Chair Lark called non-member Rhonda Gartner to order after several disruptions.

GM Report.

Motion to extend GM report 10 minutes, 14 for 4 opposed, motion passes.

Distribution of confidentiality agreements to enter executive session.

Kevin White balled up his blank confidentiality form and threw it at the Chair.

Casenave motion : "Mr. Kevin White should abide with all the rules as we do, or
should be removed from this meeting."

11 for 5 against, motion passes.

Mr. White refuses to leave.

Motion to extend meeting 10 minutes, 12 for 7 opposed, motion fails.

We were unable to begin the executive session due to an inability to meet
executive session requirements, therefore there was no executive session and
there will be no report out.

10:00pm Meeting adjourned.