KPFK Local Station Board Governance Committee

Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2011 (draft minutes - not approved)

The regular, monthly meeting of the KPFK LSB Governance Committee was held on
Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 7:44 PM at the Culver City Peace Center, 3916
Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City, CA 90230. John Wenger served as Chair. John P.
Garry III served as Acting Secretary.

LSB member-attendees: Fred Blair, Michael Novick, John Wenger.

Public member-attendees: Israel Feuer, John P. Garry III, Lawrence Reyes (left

Authority and Notice: Specific notice for this meeting was posted on
and other websites beginning on April 22, 2011 (see Appendix A).

The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 7:44 PM.

LSB Agenda
$7700 unapproved green-lighting project
KPFK Budget
Dutch: poll members for free LSB venues
Motion from Novick: Spanish Translation
On-air solicitation for committee membership
LSB Secretary Report
Governance Committee meeting dates
Murray: Governance Committee to meet in San Fernando Valley
Implementation of the Town Hall Task Force
Old Business: excused absences
LSB member participation on the committees
9:30 adjournment

The Proposed LSB Agenda for May 7, 2011 was approved as amended by unanimous
consent (see Appendix B).

Discussion of the station green-lighting project. No action taken.

From the KPFK Local Station Board Meeting Minutes of 3/17/05:

Motion: That the LSB has a translation system for the Spanish speaking audience
for the LSB general meetings. It can be done with a dedicated person appointed
by the LSB or by an electronic device if there are many people in the audience
and that this be analyzed by the Finance Committee. In this way the Spanish
speaking shows can invite people to these meetings. Also, there should be on-
air announcements in Spanish of all LSB meetings and that translation into
Spanish will be provided. Vote after public comment:
Motion passes (as amended, amendment included in above text of motion): Y: 16,
N: 1, A: 0

Motion from Novick: "Pursuant to the motion adopted by the LSB at its meeting
of March 17, 2005 that the LSB provide Spanish-English translation for Spanish
speakers at its meetings, and that there be on-air announcements in Spanish of
LSB meetings, moved that the LSB a) issue a call for volunteer translators for
all remaining meetings this year and subsequently; b) that the LSB obtain the
use of electronic translation equipment (earpieces, etc.); and that c) the LSB
arrange for adequate on-air reports in Spanish of up-coming Board meetings and
on results of held meetings." Motion passed by unanimous consent.

Discussion of LSB member attendance and participation in committees. Discussion
of free venues for LSB meetings. The Secretary reported on the in-progress
Motions List. Discussion of Governance Committee meeting locations. No action

Motion from Novick: "The LSB shall seek among its ranks volunteers to find free
and low-cost venues for the next three LSB meetings." Motion passed by
unanimous consent.

Garry moved to extend the meeting 10 minutes. Motion passed by unanimous

The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday June 9, 2011, 7:30 PM at Radio
Station KPFK.

The meeting adjourned at 9:41 PM.

Respectfully submitted by John P. Garry III, Finance Committee Acting Secretary
(these minutes have not been approved)

APPENDIX A-Meeting Notice

Emailed by Terry Goodman on Friday, April 22, 2011 11:08:37 AM

The KPFK Local Station Board Governance Committee will meet on
Thursday, April 28, 2011 beginning at 7:30 pm in Meeting Room Suite
101-102 of the Culver City Peace Center, 3916 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver
City, CA 90230. The Sepulveda Culver City Peace Center is located just
south of Venice Blvd. and north of Washington Blvd., between the
Ramada Inn and Pauline's Book Store. There's a driveway on the north
side of the building to a parking lot in the rear. To ring the meeting
room and be buzzed in, press 22 on the building entrance security panel.


Appendix B--Proposed LSB Agenda

Proposed Agenda for KPFK LSB Meeting May 7, 2011
LSB Governance Committee, April 28, 2011. John Wenger, Chair
(All times include comments and questions from the board)

Call to Order, Roll Call, Excused Absences, Announcements,
Agenda Approval, Minutes Approval (20 min)

Scheduling/Notice of Meetings (5 min)

Management Report (15 min)

Public Comment I (7.5 min)

PNB Director Reports: Aaron, Argueta, Brazon, Reese (15 min)

Public Comment II (7.5 min)

Status Report and Implementation of recently passed motions. (15 min)
Written reports from management
Budget resolutions
Town Hall Task Force
On-air recruitment of listener-sponsor members for LSB committees
On-air announcements of LSB meetings

PrOC Report (15 min)

Finance Committee Report (25 min)

Outreach Committee Report (10 min)

Personnel Committee Report (10 min)

Governance Committee Report (15 min)

Public Comment III (7.5 min)

Old Business (10 min)

New Business (10 min)

Public Comment IV (7.5 min)

total 180 min