Pacifica National Board
Finance Committee Adjourned Meeting - June 7, 2007


An adjourned meeting of the PNB Finance Committee was called to order at 5:18
pm PDT by Chair LaVarn Williams with Terry Goodman serving as Secretary. The
minutes of 5/24/07 were approved.


Present: Adave Adelson (arrived 6:22, left early), Baruti Bediako, Brian
Edwards-Tiekert, Jane Gatewood, Terry Goodman, Lonnie Hicks, Sandra Rawline
(arrived 6:52), LaVarn Williams.
Absent: Berthold Reimers, Thomas Ruffin, Bob Sanborn.

Revised Agenda
1) Roll Call (5 minutes)
2) Approval of Minutes (5 minutes)
3) Next Meeting -Thursday, June 28, 2007 @ 8:00 PM EST
4) 2007 Committee Priorities and Goals (5 minutes)
a) Work in Subcommittees
5) Financial Policies & Procedures Manual (5 minutes)
a) PNB Finance and Audit Committees Joint Teleconference
b) Pacifica Station Bill-Back Policy
6) Operations Meeting in July (5 minutes)
7) New Business (5 minutes)
a) Public Access to Station and Pacifica Financial Statements
b) Early Hire of Local Election Supervisors (9:30 time certain)
8) Adjournment
** Times are for guidance only **

1. Roll Call and Approval of Agenda
The Agenda was revised and approved without objection at 5:21 pm.

2. Approval of Minutes
The May 24th meeting minutes were approved without objection on the motion of
Jane Gatewood at 5:23 pm.

3. Next Meeting
This agenda item was completed at the prior meeting. The committee will next
meet on Thursday, June 28, 2007 at 8:00 pm EDT.

(4). RFP Proposal
A motion divided from the main motion and tabled by adjournment at the prior
meeting was not considered, being absent from the revised agenda.

Motion from Dave Adelson (as amended on the motion of Terry Goodman) that each
approved RFP project shall include a detailed budget. There shall be monthly
monitoring of approved RFP projects by the National Finance Office and
quarterly summary reporting on these projects to the PNB National Finance
Committee by the CFO.
Discussion postponed on 5/24 by meeting adjournment.

(5). CFO Report & March Financials
April financial reports were distributed to committee members by email before
the meeting. The agenda item on March reports was completed at the prior
meeting. The CFO referred members to his written report to the Board and
briefly discussed recent and upcoming fund drive results.

Motion from Terry Goodman that the National Finance Committee recommends that
the Pacifica National Board, pursuant to its authority under Article Three,
Section 1(A) of the Foundation Bylaws, vote to adjust the minimum contribution
for Listener-Sponsorship membership in the Foundation from $25 to $30 annually.

Motion postponed on 5/24 to the meeting of June 28.

It remains an action item for each LSB Treasurer to request a local station
"Pyramid of Contributions" Memsys report to inform committee discussion of this
proposal. The maker of the motion additionally suggested LSB discussion in
advance of committee consideration.

(6). Planning Timeline
Discussion postponed on 5/24 by meeting adjournment.

4. 2007 Committee Priorities and Goals
Motion from LaVarn Williams (as amended on the motions of Jane Gatewood and
Lonnie Hicks) that the following be adopted as the Finance Committee's
priorities and goals for the current term:


1. Work toward integrating the budget process with meaningful planning and goal
setting (Ongoing)

2. Initiate steps to identify the long-term impacts of existing salary models
within the network and exploration of options (300 days)


3. Review and approve a network-wide financial policies and procedures manual.
(45 days)

4. Work with CFO to increase Timeliness, Clarity, and Consistency of financial
reporting including, but not limited to:
a. Review and implement procedures for a standard network wide chart of
accounts, including
but not limited to:
1. Improve local reporting of GL account detail,
2. Clarify relationship between local GL accounts and budget line
b. Implement quarterly headcount as approved by the PNB.

5. Review and approve budgets for all network units in a timely fashion.
(Ongoing, beginning now, with completion by Aug 30th (180 days)

6. Review and approve a PNB meeting expense policy.
Policy to include Director responsibility for the additional expenses of late
reservations, early arrivals, extra stays, and long distance phone calls billed
to hotel rooms. (90 days)

7. Review and approve a policy to guide investment of restricted endowment
funds and cash surpluses. (120 days)

Motion passed without objection at 6:41 pm.

Point of order from Jane Gatewood at 6:07 pm that the discussion to amend
priorities and goals is becoming too detailed, as the motion was intended as
general guidance for the committee's work, not to resolve all the various
issues identified.
Not well taken as a point of parliamentary procedure. The motion may be
amended and discussion is in order.

Motion by LaVarn Williams (as amended on the motion of Jane Gatewood and
divided from the above main motion on the motion of Lonnie Hicks and
additionally amended on the motions of Lonnie Hicks and Terry Goodman) that the
following be adopted as the Finance Committee's projects for the current term
and reported to the Board:

ONGOING PROJECTS as of March 1, 2007

PNB meeting Expenses
- CFO to report on expenditures for last 5 PNB meetings and each future meeting
including: transportation (including airfare), hotel lodging and meeting rooms,
food and miscellaneous, and estimate of national staff time spent in support of
these meetings.
- National Office, LSB's and Station management: Work to reduce annual meeting
cost by 10%, with half of any achieved local savings being devoted to
increasing the outreach budgets of stations that meet their portion of this

Legal Expenses
- CFO to prepare monthly report on legal expenses including forecast / trends
over prior years;
- NFC to prepare summary of already adopted motions related to legal expenses
and procedures.
- Consider need for PNB to approve major Foundation legal settlements

New Partners Initiative
(ED and CFO) identify funds in National Office budget to explore outreach with
potential new partners for the Pacifica network and propose RFP process for
disbursal of these funds.
(ED and CFO) identify creative sources within network and in community at-large
that complement the Mission and have potential to develop additional revenue

Archive Restoration Project
Work with Archives Committee to generate off-air fundraising as a revision to
the PNB approved motion authorizing income transfers from the stations whose
source of funds is primarily on-air fundraising.

Discussion tabled to next meeting by roll call vote (Y: 3, N: 2, A: 1) on the
motion of Jane Gatewood at 6:48 pm.

4a. Work in Subcommittees
Discussion postponed by meeting adjournment.

5. Financial Policies & Procedures Manual
The deadline for email feedback on the CFO's draft is June 12, 2007. Any
accepted recommendations will be incorporated into a draft to be sent out by
the CFO on June 13, 2007.

5a. PNB Finance and Audit Committees Joint Teleconference
The Finance Committee and Audit Committee will meet in joint teleconference on
Monday, June 18th at 8:00 pm EDT, per the motion adopted by this committee on
5/24 in response to a resolution of the Pacifica National Board.

5b. Pacifica Station Bill-Back Policy
Member Terry Goodman requested that a detailed policy on station bill-backs be
included in the draft financial policies and procedures manual.

6. Operations Meeting in July
Motion from Lonnie Hicks that the National Finance Committee will meet with the
operations group (General Managers and Business Managers) in a joint in-person
teleconference during the July PNB meeting dates on general planning and draft
budget issues and procedures.
Motion passed without objection at 7:09 pm.

7. New Business

7a. Public Access to Station and Pacifica Financial Statements
Motion from Lonnie Hicks that the Finance Committee conduct an inventory of
financial information available on station websites and and report
back to the PNB with its recommendations.
Motion passed by roll call vote at 7:26 pm.
Y: 5 (Bediako, Goodman, Hicks, Rawline, Williams)
N: 1 (Gatewood)
A: 1 (Edwards-Tiekert)

7b. Early Hire of Local Election Supervisors
This discussion was prompted by a motion of the PNB Elections Committee "That
this committee requests that the PNB authorize the National Election Supervisor
to hire Local
Election supervisors beginning in June." The CFO reported that the ED was
already implementing the proposal in part, per the National Election
Supervisor's recommendations.

Motion from Terry Goodman that the Financial Committee recognizes the prudence
of cleaning membership lists so as to reduce election mailing costs, but points
out that the funding of early hires for Local Elections Supervisors will be
billed backed to each station, so the funding for the Elections Committee
proposal must come from local station budgets.
Motion passed without objection at 7:48 pm.

8. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned without objection on the motion of Lonnie Hicks at
7:49 pm PDT.

Respectfully submitted,
Terry Goodman, Secretary
These minutes were approved on July 19, 2007.