
1. CFO Report

2. John Wenger issues

A. Do any other stations have the Assistant GM position? Ours might be called Assistant to the GM, but whatever.

B. Since I am the new kid on the block, I would love to look at the draft budgets from the other stations. I may have them in my email, but I don't recall any other than Houston's.

C. I am particularly interested in News Departments. LA's has shrunk to one person. How many are their in each of the news depts around the network?

D. Arbitron Ratings. Does each station get them? I propose to share ours with the rest of you to enable comparative analysis. LA needs to increase listenership, and I would like to know how each of you obtains most of your listeners, so that we might consider importing your best practices to LA.

E. Our LSB voted last year to increase our Arbitrons to the highest level of granularity to support analyses. I believe we pay for, and get, quarter hour numbers for every hour of the week. I say "believe" because our Interim GM has refused to provide them to our LSB when we passed a motion asking him to provide us with accounts at My.Arbitron.Com so that we can see all of our data. How can the NFC help us get our own Arbitrons from our uncooperative GM? Arlene, would you please "ask" him to cooperate with out LSB. If that fails, would you please order him to work with our LSB?

F. Metrics of Management Fatness? I would like us to develop metrics of the Management Fraction of payrolls, station by station, and department by department. These would support interstation comparisons, and might prove illuminating, particularly toward the goal of identifying best practices.

G. What is the NFC process for dealing with unbudgeted hires?

3. Allowing non-LSB members to participate in LSB Finance Committee executive session meetings

4. Question of whether stations are being double billed for sending Directors to PNB meetings.