1. Convene meeting 8:30 PM (ET) 2. Roll Call 3. Adopt Agenda 4. Chair's Announcements (2 minutes) 5. Minutes Approval (3 minutes) 6. Discuss adding NETA Controller to the NFC mailing list (5 minutes) 7. Report, if available, on the KPFK Fund Drive (KPFK Treasurer 5 minutes Report and Q & A) 8. Report, if available from the Pacifica Executive Director (10 minutes Report and Q&A) 9. interim CFO Report (20 minutes Report and Q&A) 10. National Office Budget and Central Services Formula (40 minutes) 11. Budget Timelines and schedule for NFC review of budgets for FY22 (5 minutes) 12. Unfinished business with the National Office; compile a list to share with the National Office of year end outstanding items 13. Adjourn no later than 10:15 PM (ET)