Draft PNB Personnel Committee Agenda
Monday, May 3, 8:30 PM EST

1. Call to order and roll call (1 min.)

2. Approval of agenda (5 min.)

3. Approval of minutes from Mar. 18 and Apr. 5, 2010 meetings (5 min.)
Note: Committee members should review these minutes before the meeting and send any corrections to Nia.

4. Review process for ED evaluation survey, and next steps, including how to distribute survey results to PNB (see Apr. 5 minutes) (15 min.)

5. Review timeline/schedule for CFO evaluation and determine next steps (see Apr. 5 minutes) (20 min.)

6. New Business (5 min.)

7. Determine next committee meeting date (5 min.)

8. Review Action Items (5 min.)

9. Adjourn Public meeting (approx. 9:30 PM EST)

10. Begin Executive session

11. Review results from ED evaluation survey and determine what to include in report to PNB and ED.

12. Adjourn Executive session (approx. 10:30 PM EST)