The WBAI LSB will meet in public session on Friday, November 22, 2013, starting at 8:30 PM at 388 Atlantic Ave. Brooklyn, NY, to address urgent matters that are before the LSB and PNB pertaining to:

1. Report out from executive session. (2 minutes)

2. Selection of time keeper. (1 minute)

3. Consideration of a proposal to enter into a Public Service Operating Agreement. (30 minutes)

4. Reports about the situation at WBAI from:
a. The Treasurer with a motion from the local Finance Committee. (5 minutes)
b. The General Manager of WBAI. (5 minutes)
c. The Executive Director of the Pacifica Foundation. (15 minutes)
d. Discussion of reports. (20 minutes)

5. Public Comment. (30 minutes)

6. Statements regarding WBAI's Management. (10 minutes)

This meeting will adjourn no later than 10:30 PM.

This call for a special meeting is made by:

Robert Young, Chair of the WBAI LSB
Mitchel Cohen, Secretary of the WBAI LSB
R. Paul Martin, Treasurer of the WBAI LSB