Pacifica National Board
Finance Committee. June 3, 2005

The meeting was called to order by David Adelson, Chair Pro Tem.


Present: Dave Adelson, Teresa Allen, Baruti Bediako, Patty Heffley, Casey
McFall, Marnie Tattersall, Sandy Weinmann, LaVarn Williams, Lonnie Hicks.

Excused: Jane Gatewood

Absent: Mark Roberts


Election of Chair Pro Tem
Approval of Minutes
Issues related to preparation of 05-06 budgets
Scheduling of next meeting

1. Dave Adelson was elected Chair Pro Tem with no objections.

2. Minutes for the meeting on May 10, 2005 were approved with no objections.

3. Lonnie Hicks requested that each Treasurer prepare a brief report regarding
the budget priorities for their stations for presentation at the next meeting.

4. The next meeting was scheduled for June 10, 2005 at 3 p.m. pacific time.

Respectfully Submitted,

Casey McFall
These minutes were approved on 11/29/07.