I. Call to order and roll call

II. Approval of Agenda (5)

III. Change of meeting time to 8:30PM

IV. Approval of minutes (5)

V. Report from the Affiliates Director Ursula Ruedenberg (10)

VI. Report from Affiliate PNB Board Directors

Strategy Session: Executive Session

VII. Affiliate discussion about additional Income and/or Fundraising
Proposals from task force members - discussion
Proposal from affiliates coordinator - discussion

Discussion of potential survey questions to support efforts
Review of ideas and any action conclusions

VIII. Old business: Survey project update (5)

IX. New business:
Report on hiring an intern for the affiliates program (5)

X. Adjourn


I. Meeting called to order at 8:20pm EST
Attendees: C Hauptman, Kim Kaufman, Teresa Allen, Luke Jones, Nia Bediako, John
Brinkley, Campbell Johnson, Heather Gray, Efia Nwangaza, Ursula Ruedenberg,
Deena Kolbert
Excused: Jim Boyd

II. Approval of Agenda: T Allen requested approval of 6-23-2011 minutes be
postponed to August meeting. Approved without objection. Chair suggested add
item to discuss moving meeting time to 8:30pm EST. Approved without objection.
Amended agenda approved without objection.
III. Meeting time: Motion to move meeting time to 8:30pm EST. Approved without

IV. Report from the Affiliates Director Ursula Ruedenberg : We have new
affiliate, KUMDe in Duluth,MN: KUMD and KGLP in Gallup, NM returned; U
Ruedenberg is working on contracts for next year; some significant stations
considering ending contracts with the Pacifica Network. Affiliate director is
attending weekly meetings with PD's to plan 10th anniversary 9/11 program,
produced by Verna Avery Brown. U Ruedenberg is working with Radio for People ,
is sending survey to stations not on the air yet, has invited these stations to
weekly support teleconferences, and Pacifica is building a resource archive
which will be useful to them. Appears to be extension of PTFP time. Working
on internet strategies with other Pacifica staff. KPFT will help with promos
for Al Jazeera. In response to Q & A: regarding efforts to avoid redundancy
(works with Radio for People Coalition on weekly conference calls and listserve
and provides whatever structure possible to assist and collaborate with people
doing radio); making content produced by stations available to others (U
Ruedenberg works through pacificaannounce, produces Sprouts program, and
assists people wanting to syndicate shows). **U Ruedenberg will send out a
correction to clarify any confusion about Pacifica building a radio station in
Ames, IA.

V. Report from Affiliate PNB Board Directors: E Nwangaza discussed her
station's use of programs from Pacifica; would like an automated SEARCH
function to find categories of Programming. Simulcasting, downloading, taking
shows from satellites and Audioport were discussed. H Gray will continue this
discussion at 8-25-11 meeting.
VII. New business: finding an intern/assistant . N Bediako recommended that U
Ruedenberg speak with the WBAI General Mgr.
VIII. Old business: Survey project update: will help us make better
determinations about sustainability. U Ruedenberg considers need to ask
questions about stations that simulcast. Postponed to August meeting.

IX. Public Session adjourned at 9:35pm EST

X. Taskforce reconvened in Executive Session at 9:40pm EST for a strategy
session on resource development.

XI. Roll Call
Attendees: C Hauptman, Kim Kaufman, Teresa Allen, Luke Jones, Nia Bediako, John
Brinkley, Campbell Johnson, Heather Gray, Efia Nwangaza, Ursula Ruedenberg,
Deena Kolbert
Excused: Jim Boyd

XI. Affiliate discussion about additional Income and/or Fundraising:
preliminary discussion about the economic health of the network and ideas of
how to move forward, including an internet portal which would facilitate this.
Proposals from task force members - discussion
Proposal from affiliates coordinator - discussion
Discussion of potential survey questions to support efforts
Review of ideas and any action conclusions

XII. Closed session adjourned at 10:47pm EST

Respectfully submitted,
Teresa J. Allen, Affiliate Taskforce Secretary
Submitted 2011-8-25
Approved 2011-8-25