Pacifica Foundation, National Finance Committee
held on September 27, 2013
Convened: 7:40 PM / CT
Attendance: Jim Boyd, John Cromshow, Marcus Jetter, Tony Norman, Tracy Rosenberg, Raul Salvador, Barbara Whipperman -
Quorum present
Also present: Michelle Price, Interim General Manager WPFW
1. Roll Call
2. Appoint
temporary secretary.
3. Review and approve WPFW 2014
2. Jim Boyd appointed
temporary secretary
3. Agenda
approved without objection
4. Review
and approve WPFW 2014 Budget: Michelle Price presented the WPFW 2014 Budget and stated the budget has a 10% increase
in listener support and, based on the success of the current fund drive, it is attainable. She also noted increases in
the Website Income (6/5011), Community/Special Events (12/5750)and Grant Income-Other (16/5800), which were
underutilized revenue streams in the past and the increased amounts should be attainable. She noted salary expense is
reduced by the reduction of 2 positions.
Tony Norman stated the amount budgeted for Professional/Legal Services
(77/6530) seemed low based on the current status of the station and suggested an increase from $10,000.00 to
The committee members in attendance asked questions about the budget. It was noted that the budget has a
surplus, after the suggested amendment, of $53,672.00.
Marcus Jetter MOVED - The WPFW 2014 Budget presented to the
NFC, amended to increase Professional/legal services (77/6530) to $20,000.00 be approved .
Vote: 6 For / 0 Against
/ 0 Abstain. Motion passes
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM / CT