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Pacifica Foundation, KPFT FM 90.1 LSB
Regular LSB Meeting, on Aug 13, 2014 TX, Minutes Approved by the LSB on
February 11, 2015
Call to Order: Vice Chair DeWayne Lark called the meeting to order at
7: 15p.m.
Roll Call: Secretary Melinda Iley-Dohn/
Legend for Attendance: P=Present A=Absent X Excused

Ex-Officio Member- P- Duane Bradley

|Listener Members |Listener Members|Listener Members |Staff Members |
|P-Teresa Allen |A- Nancy |P- Robert Mark |P -Jessica Apolinar |
| |Hentschel | | |
|P-Jim Boyd |P- Melinda |P- Colleen O'Brien |P -Tony Cox |
| |Iley-Dohn | | |
|P- Adriana Casenave |P-Joseph Kaye |- Susie Moreno |X - Leo Gold |
|P- Maria Elena | A- Jim Krafka | X- Darrelle | X-Liana Lopez |
|Castellanos | |Robbins | |
|P-Phil Collins |P-Hank Lamb |P- Richard Uzzell |P- Joseph Davis |
|P- Charles Doc Dougherty |P-DeWayne Lark |P- Nancy |X- George Reiter |
| | |Saibara-Naritomi | |

Quorum -7:15 PM:

7:24-Approval of the Agenda: Motion was made by Adriana that for the LSB to
establish or call a Special Delegates meeting to consider the removal of
Richard Uzzell as PNB Director. Motion passed. Melinda Iley-Dohn made the
motion to hold a Delegates meeting at the Sept 10 meeting to allow time for the
vote on the By-Laws Amendment approved by the PNB at it's most recent meeting.

8:00 PM-Public Comment- Per the request of CAB Chair MaryAnn Martinez, Mr.
Aroqui Faruqi added to the CAB. Ted Weisgal noted the tennis tournament to be
held as a fund raiser at McGregor Park. The comments are streamed at:

8:24-Vice Chair DeWayne Lark made the substitute motion to have delegate's
meeting in Sept
on 13 at 10 AM to discuss the Uzzell matter with the location to be determined.
Robert Mark noted that there was no way that we would be able to have the
meeting posted on August 13 thus he felt that the 30 day notice would not be
possible for this. Teresa Allen requested to have an
amendment for the substitution amendment to have a change of the date due to
concerns regarding members who could not make it to the meeting to the date of
September 17 at 7PM.
A roll call vote was requested for the substitute motion as amended that A
Delegates Meeting would be held September Sept 17th at 7 PM - The motion for
the roll call vote failed. The vote for the substitute motion as amended was
voted on and passed.

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Pacifica Foundation, KPFT FM
90.1 LSB
Regular LSB Meeting, on Aug 13, 2014 TX, Minutes Approved by the Lsb on
February 11, 2015

Motion to approve the Agenda and July Minutes was proposed by Adriana Casenave.
Robert Mark made the motion to correct the Agenda by moving Item 13 to 10 PM
to move Item 6B and Item 10C to after Recognitions. The changes were approved.
Minutes approval was requested by Vice Chair Lark and accepted by acclimation.

Recognitions -Melinda Iley-Dohn requested recognition be made for Hitaji Aziz
in light of her recent serious illness. A request or consideration of a
possible fund raiser to assist her with her medical bills was requested. Maria
Elena Castellanos requested recognition for the efforts of Robert Mohammad for
his discussion of the blackout of media coverage of the community in Ferguson
Missouri Community following the killing of Michael Brown. Maria stated that
she would like to see KPFT to speak out against the police brutality and
against the murder of Brown and noted how the coverage was being limited by
exclusion of news helicopters to prevent their review what is happening in the
community after the killing. Hank Lamb requested recognition of our listeners
who donated during the last fund drive and the
volunteers who had helped by answering the phones. Duane request recognition
all the people who volunteered the phone back at fund drive. He requested
recognition of the memory of the late Congressman Mickey Lealand who served
Texas in the 18th District. He had been found dead today In Ethiopia when they
discovered the wreck of his plane. Adrianna-The effort of our programmers that
they do. Adriana Casenave requested recognition of our Programmers for all the
work they do for our station and how they back us in our efforts as well.

Approval of the KPFT budget for submission for final approval by the Pacifica

Budget -Robert Mark noted that Teresa Allen had attended two meetings of the
Budget and Finance Committee and requested to have her approved as a voting
member of the committee.
Chair Jim Boyd mentioned that Duane and the staff had made enough cuts to the
budget that
it was believed that there would not be major changes as it had been set up for
the coming year. Discussion regarding the budget approval for the LSB is
available on:

Phil Collins made the motion to close the discussion- Motion Passed
Roll Call- vote was requested to be done for the budget by Teresa Allen)
Motion failed
The motion to approve the budget as presented to the board to be sent to the
PNB for
a vote- Motion passed.

9:55 - Orders of the Day- Teresa Allen requested to have Item 4, the PNB report
to be given.
Discussion available on:

Minutes prepared by LSB Secretary Melinda Iley-Dohn