WPFW Regular LSB Meeting
July 13, 2016
1990 K Street N.W. Washington, D.C.
Olayimika Cole, Chair

Ellen Williams Carter Secretary
I. Call to order
At 6:55pm a quorum was established. JW Nightwolf, Vice Chair,
called the meeting to order at 6:55 pm.
II. Roll call
12 members were present at roll call: Tony Norman, Eric
Ramey, Maskeelah-Myrtle Washington, JW Nightwolf, Ron Pinchback, Sabooh Hikim, Ellen Williams Carter, Martha Peterson,
Louis Wolf, Donald Williams, Eileen Rosin, Cliff Smith and Nancy Sorden, Nick Arena
6 Late: Campbell Johnson, Jim
Brown, Vickie Mc Gill, Arthur McCloud, Gloria Turner, Olayimika Cole
3 Absent: Lona Alias, Marion Douglas-Ungaro,
Tony Leon
Motion to excuse absences: Lona Alias, Marion Douglas, Tony Leon
Motion Approved
The GM Jerry Paris
was present.
The IPD Katea Stitt was absent.
III. Approval of Agenda
Agenda Approved
IV. Approval of the
Minutes for June 22, 2016 Approved
V. Election LSB Treasurer:
Election of temporary LSB
listener candidates: It was decided by the board that the election for temporary LSB member positions would occur in 30
Election Of Treasurer: Eileen Rosin, Nick Arena Pro tem treasurer
Motion: Eileen Rosin: I move that we
elect pro tem and give the 30 day notice for the next election.
Vote: (This vote was taken before 4 LSB members
arrived.) For 14, Against 0, Abstention 1
Eileen Rosin withdrew as a candidate for treasurer.
Ballots for
Treasurer: Nick Arena
Vote: Nick Arena Pro tem Treasurer
VI. Community Comment
Benito: He said we can‘t have a
LSB election without 30 days’ notice.
Starr: She wants more information about the stations financial situation.

Ramon: He stated that two Town Hall meetings should occur this year produced by the board.
Bob: He wants the
board to change the start time for the LSB meetings from 6:30pm to 7:00pm.
Audrey Washington: On the Caribbeana show
on July 9th the host had a humor section. They joked about rape and about suicide bombers. She was upset about the
Response Jerry Paris:
The Bylaws sets a minimum of two Town Hall meetings. There is a distinction between
in house and a community town hall meeting.
There was a visit from the FBI. They are concerned about meetings at
the station that are open to the public.
He stated that he will mandate an on air apology for the jokes told by the
Caribbeana hosts. He apologized to Audrey. He said it was rouge actions.
VII. Management Report: Jerry Paris- no
written report
He has a deadline for tomorrow July 14, 2016 to provide all financial documents. He stated that the
issue of payroll is a Pacifica problem. The RNC and DNC conventions will be aired throughout Pacifica and they will be
used as fundraisers. Through the IED he hopes to get $30,000 dollars refunded to WPFW.
Special Fundraising
• Tony Leon and Brother Ah Sun Ra Wpfw Fundraiser
• Tribute Omrao Brown Wpfw Fundraiser
• Upcoming
August Blues Festival Wpfw Fundraiser
• Major Donor’s initiative - the goal is $100,000.
• There will be a pledge
drive from July 31 to August 15th
Aaron Myers legislation initiative is trying to get Franklin School Building as a
space for WPFW. Jerry may get cameras for production from Bruce Brown who started his broadcast career at the H street
WPFW location. He would be able to rent the equipment for $1500 an hour. He could get $6000 to rent the space. Jerry
said there will be Programming changes because the programming is not matching our audience. The station needs helpers
with data entry.
Jerry Paris: We must leave the present building for WPFW in 3 years.
Eric: Is there
special programming for the drive?
Tony Norman: He stated that Jerry needed an attorney when he meets with the
Vanessa Dixon’s mother has died. We were given funeral arrangements.
VIII. Finance Committee report: Eileen
Rosin - no written report
Nick stated we need to find partners to help us. We need a sustainable source of
Tony Norman stated that we don’t have money for the rent and payroll. We don’t have money for basic
expenses. He said that $130,000 in expenses is needed every month.
IX. Fundraising Report:
Tony Leon: WPFW
Everlasting Life Sun Ra Event (Tony Leon emailed his report to the board)
Total sales = $525.00
= $262.50 (E-Life 20%, Bro Ah 20%, Tony for marketing 10%)
Profit subtotal = $262.50
= $ 20.00
Profit to WPFW = $282.50
Tribute for Omrao Brown WPFW Fundraiser
Ola said thanks for
supporting the fundraiser.
She stated the Gross was $5,600 or maybe $5,000.
WPFW Blues Festival
Gloria Turner
read the flier for the Blues Festival. It will take place from noon to 8pm at Lamont’s. The cost is $25 in advance and
$30 at the door. She will mail 5 tickets to each board member.
X. PNB report – Tony Norman
Tony Norman said
there are problems across the board with the Pacifica Stations. The loss of the CPB grant is a problem for Pacifica
finances. They need to pay for the 2014 audit and finish 2015 audit to get the CPB grant. Without the audit they can’t
get loans or any funding. In addition, all stations are behind on their National office payments. Tony Norman said he
will send out a report to the board about the finances. Ron said that the audit needed to be completed by June 31. They
receive less money if the audit is not done by a certain time.
XI. Programming Committee Report - Pro tem Ron
Ron passed a distributed a report entitled: Proposal to Reconstruct the LSB Program Committee
The WPFW delegate assembly is comprised of the
same 19 members as listed above. The regular meeting was called to order at 6:55 with the same 19 members present as
listed above. The regular meeting adjourned at 9:21pm for WPFW assembly of delegates where three proposed Bylaw
Amendments were discussed and approved as follows:

Bylaws Yes No Abs
1. Article 3 Members of the
Foundation Section 10 Record Date 17 0 2
2. Article 5 Board of Directors of Foundations Section 8 Filling Vacancies
on the Board 16 0 3
3. Article 12 Corporate Records, Report and Seal Section 3 Directors : Inspection Rights
14 1 4

The Delegate Assembly adjourned at 9:52 pm
Reconvened the regular meeting at 9:54pm
Maskeelah-Myrtle Washington
Motion: I move to adjourn the meeting now.
Vote for the motion: 11 For, 7 Against, 1
XIII. Adjournment
Olayimika Cole adjourned the regular meeting at 10:02pm
Meeting adjourned at
Minutes submitted by: Ellen Williams Carter Secretary of the LSB