WPFW Regular LSB Meeting
December 14, 2016
1990 K Street N.W. Washington, D.C.
Olayimika Cole,
Ellen Williams Carter Secretary
I. Call to order
At 6:45 pm a quorum was established. Olayimika Cole,
Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:45 pm.
II. Roll call
13 members were present at roll call: Tony Norman,
Eric Ramey, Maskeelah-Myrtle Washington, Ellen Williams Carter (non- voting), Louis Wolf, Donald Williams, Eileen Rosin,
Olayimika Cole, Nick Arena (non-voting), Martha Peterson, Meredith Cordisco, Sabooh Hakim, Jim Brown, Tony Leon
members Late: Arthur McCloud, Nancy Sorden, Gloria Turner, Cliff Smith, Campbell Johnson, Ron Pinchback
4 Excused
absences: JW Nightwolf, Christine Cotter, Vickie Mc Gill
Unexcused absences: Lona Alias, Marion Douglas-Ungaro Termed
The GM Jerry Paris was present.
The IPD Katea Stitt was absent.
Parliamentarian: John Tatum
Meredith Cordisco
Sergeant -at-Arms: Arthur McCloud
III. Approval of Agenda
Agenda amended: There was no
Agenda Approved
IV. Approval of the minutes
Minutes Approved
V. Management Reports Jerry Paris

The General Manager stated the following:
• WPFW is operating at reduced power. The transmitter switch is in
terrible shape. Contractors are needed to bring the transmitter down for repairs.
• We were able to negotiate with
the Union for 32 hour work week for paid staff. In addition, there are other issues that are being addressed regarding
paid staff.
• The treasurer and I negotiated with the landlord concerning the rent. He will not forgive the debt but
will defer the payments until October. In October, all the deferred payments are due.
• The Winter Fund drive
begins January 29 and ends February 18.
• We are looking for a new business manager.
• Programming will take place
to cover the inauguration. Pacifica’s Mitch Jeritch will be here for a month.
• On Monday a fundraiser will take
place at the station. A bass master class will take place.
• Questions:
Jim: Are there any producers for
inaugural coverage? What are the transmitter costs?
GM: Mitch Jeritch will produce programming for a month at WPFW.
Transmitter repairs should be under $20,000.
VI. PNB Reports
Tony Norman:
The 2014 Audit is completed now and
they are on working on the 2015 audit. Every Station is facing serious financial issues.
Ron Pinchback:
election has been certified. A recount will be a problem. The election supervisor will not be involved. The election
did have some issues.
Nancy Sorden:
The 2015 audit may be cheaper to complete.
Tony Leon:
there a discussion about advertising?
Ron Pinchback:
No real underwriting model. We have nothing in place.
Community Comment
Benito Diaz:
Thanked the LSB members that termed out and terms ended for their service.

Joe Clark:
WPFW needs to address more Social Justice-issues; e.g., the Peace vigil.
Starr Bowie:
Live @ 5
booking for show is Michael Vernon being paid?
GM: Michael Vernon is doing the booking for free now.
Concerned about the politics of the station.
He told us that the Chairman is in charge
and may let a speaker finish a sentence. In addition, he stated that Call for the orders of the day; Means let’s get
back to the issue.
VIII. Finance Report by Treasurer
He submitted a report.
The treasurer and GM negotiated
with the landlord concerning the rent. He will not forgive the debt but will defer the payments until October. The
agreement: The past due rent payments which are approximately $78,000 will be paid back over 6 months starting Oct. 1,
2017. No payments will be required on the deferred rent (approx. $4,000 per month) from Dec'16 thru Sep'17. The
treasurer recommended that an escrow account be established for the rent.
IX. Outreach and Development
Gloria Turner gave a report on the U Street Jam. Gross ticket sales were $11,174. The net profit was
X. MASC Committee
He submitted a report.
A final public report was submitted by Tony Leon, chair of
the committee. He proposed a motion; however, he withdrew it until the Committee approves the motion.
Programming Committee
No report was made.
Recess 9:10 Regular meeting
Reconvened 9:20- For election of
Election results
Chair – Robert Simms by acclimation
Vice Chair – Louis Wolf
Louis Wolf 10 votes

Meredith Cordisco 8 votes

Treasurer – Nick Arena - by acclimation
Secretary – Ellen Williams Carter - by
XIII. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn: There was no objection.
Robb Simms adjourned the regular
meeting at 10:05pm
Meeting adjourned at 10:05pm
Minutes submitted by: Ellen Williams Carter Secretary of the