Draft Agenda: KPFA LSB Regular in-person meeting with Executive Session and Delegate Assembly
1. Call to Order
Roll Call
3. Approve Agenda
4. Approve Minutes
5. Announcements
6. Public Comments,
7. General Manager’s
8. Treasurer’s report
9. PNB report

10. Executive Session to discuss confidential personnel,
financial and legal matters related to Pacifica and KPFA required to be in Executive Session

9. Delegate
Assembly: Appointment to fill vacancy for Janet Kobren’s seat on the KPFA LSB,
The KPFA LSB  will finalize the
process for appointment at the February 17th meeting.
 LSB members or KPFA members may submit names, contact
information and documentation of membership of people to be considered for possible appointment to the KPFA LSB. They
may send it to secretary.kpfalsb@gmail.com by February 15, 2018 or give it to the KPFA LSB Secretary  at the February
17, 2018 meeting.  People may also send a profile which may include information like what they would bring to the board
and any special skills with broadcasting, finance, human resources, marketing, diversity etc and their vision for KPFA
and Pacifica. They may want to sign up for Public Comments to introduce themselves at our meeting  or may send
information to  kpfalsb@googlegroups.com for your review. 
10. Election of KPFA LSB Chair and Treasurer
Election of Pacifica National Board Committee members for 2018,

13. Return to regular meeting
14. Approve
LSB meeting dates for 2018— March 17, April 21, May 19, June 16, August 18, September 15, October 20, November 17,
December 15.

15. New Business: Proposed Bylaws Amendments from October 17, 2017 posted on pacifica.org
Old Business: LSB evaluation of the KPFA Program Director and General Manager,
17. New Business: Proposed Resolution
For Establishment of an LSB Technology & Multi-Media Committee,
18. New Business: Biannual Town Hall Meetings,