PNB Elections Committee
Monday, July 23, 2007

Roll Call & Call to Order 8:15 pm EDT

Committee Members Present: Bob Lederer, Carol Wolfe (left call 10:08 pm),
Carolyn Birden, Cerene Roberts, Henry Norr, Jack VanAken, Jane Gatewood,
LaVarn Williams, Lydia Brazon, Sandra Rawline, Teresa Allen, Terry Goodman

Also Present: National Election Supervisor Casey Peters

Committee Members Absent: Ambrose Lane, Deb Shafto, Rosalinda Palacios

1. Amend & Approve Agenda
2. Review and Approval of Minutes (5/20/07, 6/3/07, 6/17/07)
No minutes are available for approval

3. Special Reports

A. Elections Supervisor

Four Local Election Supervisors are in place; WPFW LES selected but not
finalized. Craig's List was best source for applicants in all cities. In
process of re-writing material for clarity and brevity. Draft sent to
corporate council for distribution at upcoming PNB meeting. New scanner
will be purchased. Work in process for elections web site.

B. Update from Director members on any PNB motions relevant to the committee's

Seven directors submitted proposal for bylaws amendments drafted by this
committee. 60-day notice of September consideration should be running in
all cities.

Allen asked about likelihood of the amendments being passed at the LSB

Action item -

Casey Peters agrees to prepare informative letter about amendments to be
sent individually to each LSB member at their home address and posted to
various lists and sites.

Committee members from each station agree to provide Casey with correct
mailing address for their members: KPFA-Norr, KPFK-Goodman, KPFT-Allen,
WBAI-Birden, WPFW-Gatewood

C. Committee Report to PNB

Chair asks that anyone with information for his report send that to him at
his new address: tgoodman@ispwest.com

4. Workgroup Reports and Issues

A. Technology Follow-up (Williams) - No report
B. Staff Lists (Lederer)

Workgroup has begun to meet and identify issues; Will meet again tomorrow.
Bob has arranged for it to be streamed

C. Motion on Composition of Staff Lists Workgroup (Birden)

Whereas, Article Seven, Section 6.C of the Pacifica Foundation Bylaws
requires meetings "open to the public and to all Members, with the
exception of those meetings dedicated to, or predominately regarding,
personnel, proprietary information, litigation and other matters requiring
confidential advice of counsel, involving commercial or financial
information obtained on a privileged or confidential basis or relating to a
purchase of property or the use of engagement of services whenever the
premature exposure of said purchase or sale or, in the LSB's sole opinion,
may compromise the legitimate business interest of said radio station or
the Foundation," and

Whereas, the same section of the Bylaws states that "No person shall be
required, as a condition for attendance at any public meeting or to
publicly comment, to register his/her name or to provide any other
information, " therefore be it

RESOLVED, that all meetings including teleconferences of the Elections
Committee and its subcommittees, workgroups, and other organized meetings
of its members shall be webstreamed or, if webstreaming is not possible for
technical reasons, teleconferences shall be open to members of Pacifica.
Members of Pacifica other than members of the Elections Committee and those
appointed or elected to a work group or subcommittee who are joining a
teleconference may take part in the deliberations if such participation is
approved by a majority vote of the EC members on the call. No member taking
part in the deliberations after such approval shall be required to register
his or her name or provide any other information in order to participate.
Be it further

RESOLVED, that all such workgroup and subcommittee meetings shall be
publicly announced at least five days in advance, with the announcement to
include instructions for interested parties who wish to listen to the
webstream or the teleconference.

= = = =

Substitute motion from Gatewood: that future meetings of the staff lists
workgroup be webstreamed and that efforts be made to broaden the input
through public email lists.

Motion by Brazon to table. Passed without objection.

D. Membership Lists (Roberts) Workgroup has not yet begun to meet regularly.
Roberts will send potential dates tomorrow for workgroup to meet after PNB
meeting. Invitees will include persons from each station that are involved
with preparation of this lists.

E. Motion on Teleconference Phone Systems (Birden) (5 min) - No item

5. Unfinished Business
A. Station Policies on Membership Waivers - all members are encouraged to post
their stations policies, if any, to the National Election Yahoo group

B. Participation Workgroup Recommendations - no report / action

C. NES/LES/Committee Recommendations -
1) Campaign Use of Membership Lists (Lederer)

Chair notes need for workgroup, proposes that it be called "Campaign
Finance Reform Workgroup". Asks for volunteers: Birden, Lederer, Goodman,
Van Aken, Norr, Peters. Asks for convener: Birden volunteers

Birden makes substitute motion that we establish a Campaign Finance Reform
Subcommittee, with members: Birden, Lederer, Goodman, Van Aken and Norr,
with Casey Peters as participant. The purpose of the subcommittee would be
to investigate the influence of private funds on delegate elections.

Proposed membership amended to include Williams and Roberts

Motion to accept substitute motion as main motion is passed 7 y, 3 n

Motion to approve motion is passed 7 y, 3 n

A. Motion that Directors report PNB actions regarding election matters to
the Elections Committee (Birden) (5 min)
B. Other New Business (5 min)

MOTION TO ADJOURN (Norr) 10:43 pm Passed without objection

Respectfully submitted,
Jane Gatewood (WPFW-LSB)
(These minutes were approved on 8/27/07)