PNB Elections Committee Teleconference
Monday, August 27, 2007

A regular meeting of the PNB Elections Committee was called to order at 8:30 pm
EDT by Chair Terry Goodman, with Deb Shafto serving as Secretary Pro-Tem. The
minutes of 7/23/07 were amended and approved.

Committee members present: Teresa Allen, Carolyn Birden, Lydia Brazon, Terry
Goodman, Bob Lederer, Sandra Rawline (arrived at 9:47 pm), Cerene Roberts, Deb
Shafto, Jack VanAken (left at 10:20 pm), LaVarn Williams
Also present for a portion of the meeting: Casey Peters (left early), Art
Stasney (left mid-meeting)
Committee members absent: Jane Gatewood, Ambrose Lane, Henry Norr, Rosalinda

Deb Shafto was appointed Secretary Pro-Tem, without objection.

Revised Agenda

1. Amend & Approve Agenda (10 min)
2. Review and Approval of Minutes (7/23/07) (5 min)
(Minutes outstanding: 5/20/07, 6/3/07, 6/17/07)
3. Special Reports
A. Elections Supervisor (10 min)
B. Update from Director members on any PNB motions relevant to the
Committee's work (5 min)
C. Committee Report to PNB (1 min)
D. Recommending Subsidiary Amendment to the Language of a Proposed
Bylaws Amendment Previously Noticed (Goodman) (20 min)
4. Subcommittee Reports
A. Campaign Finance Reform Subcommittee (Birden) (5 min)
5. Workgroup Reports and Issues
A. Technology Follow-up (Williams)
B. Staff Lists (Lederer) (20 min)
C. Tabled Motions on Composition of Staff Lists Workgroup (20 min)
D. Membership Lists (Roberts) (20 min)
E. Motion on Teleconference Phone Systems (Birden) (5 min)
F. Technical Advisory Committee
6. Unfinished Business
A. Motion that Directors Report PNB Actions Regarding Election
Matters to the Elections Committee (Birden) (5 min)
7. New Business
A. Membership List Issues

1. Amend & Approve Agenda
The proposed agenda was amended and approved without objection at 8:46 pm.

Motion from Bob Lederer to make the times on the agenda binding.
Motion failed: Y: 4, N: 4
Yes: Brazon, Lederer, Roberts, VanAken
No: Allen, Birden, Shafto, Williams
Abstain: Goodman

Bob Lederer was appointed timekeeper for the meeting, without objection.

2. Review and Approval of Minutes (5/20/07, 6/3/07, 6/17/07, 7/23/07)
Approval of the 6/17/07 minutes was postponed without objection on the motion
of Terry Goodman.

The draft minutes of 7/23/07 were amended to strike-out the parenthetical after
the name of LaVarn Williams in the attendance section. These minutes were then
approved as amended without objection on the motion of Teresa Allen at 8:50 pm.

3. Special Reports

3A. Elections Supervisor

Casey Peters was unavailable when this agenda item was reached, but had
submitted a written report prior to the meeting (See Appendix A). There was
discussion regarding the NES ruling on the eligibility of certain incumbents
running for re-election.

3B. Update from Director Members on any PNB Motions Relevant to the Committee's

Lydia Brazon reported PNB approval of an increase to the monthly hours
authorized to the National Elections Supervisor. Bob Lederer reported the
scheduling of the PNB vote on noticed bylaws amendments for September 7, 2007.

3C. Committee Report to PNB

The Chair reported hand distribution of a written Committee Report at the July
PNB meeting in Los Angeles (see Appendix B). Bob Lederer presented an oral
report at the PNB meeting.

3D. Recommending Subsidiary Amendment to the Language of a Proposed Bylaws
Amendment Previously Noticed

Motion from Terry Goodman:

WHEREAS, Amendments have been proposed to Article Four, Section 8 of the
Pacifica bylaws that, if approved by the membership in November 2007, could
allow an interpretation that delegates elected by the membership in that same
election are disqualified for violation of new term limits,

AND WHEREAS, the amendment currently proposed for Article Four, Section 7 of
the Pacifica bylaws specifies "seated in 2008" in reference to delegates to be
seated in December, 2007, says that term limits are to take effect immediately,
and allows an interpretation that newly elected delegates may be subject to the
new term limits in a manner that would immediately disqualify them from

AND WHEREAS, The Rules of Order allow subsidiary amendment to proposed bylaws
amendments where the change in text is within the scope of the original notice,

BE IT RESOLVED, That the PNB Elections Committee recommends that each Assembly
of Delegates and the Pacifica National Board, in their September 2007 meetings,
replace the proposed language for amendment of the bylaws section on the
transition election to remove such ambiguities, as follows:

If bylaws amendments establishing four-year terms are approved
by the membership, they shall take effect immediately for those
delegates elected for seating in December 2007, and the previous
bylaws term limits of no more than two consecutive 3-year terms or 6
consecutive years shall no longer apply. The terms of the Delegates
elected for seating in December 2006 shall remain three-year terms.

If any term limits are approved by the membership in 2007, those
term limits shall be applied at the next Delegate election in 2009.
If "No Consecutive Terms" are approved by the members, then
Delegates elected for seating in December 2006 will not be
eligible for reelection in 2009, and Delegates elected for seating
in December 2007 will not be eligible for reelection in 2011. If
"Maximum Two Consecutive Terms" are approved by the members,
then Delegates who were first elected for seating in December 2006
will be eligible for reelection in 2009, however Delegates who were
first elected in February 2004 and reelected for a second term in
2006 and Delegates who were elected for seating in December
2004 (whether or not they had previously been elected for 9-month
terms in February 2004) and reelected for a second term for
seating in December 2007 will not be eligible for reelection to a
third term in 2011. If "No Term Limits" are approved by the voters,
then Delegates elected for seating in December 2006 and December
2007 will be eligible for reelection in perpetuity. In the case of
a Delegate seated to complete a term vacated by a departed
Delegate, service of two years or more shall be considered a term;
service of less than two years shall not be considered a term.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon approval of this motion, the Committee Chair,
with the assistance of the Director members of the Committee, shall seek
endorsement of this subsidiary amendment from the seven Directors who proposed
the amendment for which revision is sought, and shall then communicate to the
chairs of the Assemblies of Delegates and the Pacifica National Board the
recommendation of this Committee and the endorsements, if any, received from
the proposing Directors.

Motion referred without objection on the motion of Carolyn Biden at 9:46 pm.

Motion from Bob Lederer (as amended on the motions of Terry Goodman and Carolyn
Birden) to form a workgroup, empowered to consult with the moving directors to
seek resolution of possible ambiguities in the proposed bylaws amendments. The
workgroup shall include all committee members who choose to attend. The
National Elections Supervisor and Foundation Council shall be invited to
attend, and those present may agree to the participation of others. The
workgroup will meet on Tuesday, September 4th at 8pm EDT. The convener will be
Bob Lederer.
Motion passed without objection at 9:44 pm.

4. Subcommittee Reports

4A. Campaign Finance Reform

Carolyn Birden reported that the subcommittee had met and discussed issues.
The next meeting of the subcommittee has been scheduled for Thursday, August
30, 2007 at 8:00 pm EDT and will be streamed.

5. Workgroup Reports and Issues

5A. Technology Follow-up

Motion from LaVarn Williams that the issues of the USB key for ballot scanning
software and any ballot data from the prior election available from the prior
National Elections Supervisor be referred to the current National Elections
Supervisor for follow-up.
Motion passed without objection at 10:02 pm.

Motion from Terry Goodman that the Ad-Hoc Technology Follow-up Workgroup,
having been discharged of all business referred, is dissolved.
Motion passed without objection at 10:03 pm.

5B. Staff Lists

Bob Lederer reported on discussions of the Staff Lists Workgroup, which focused
on the withdrawal of UPSO recognition by the KPFA iGM.

5C. Tabled Motions on Composition of Staff Lists Workgroup

Motion from Carolyn Birden (as amended by substitution on the motion of Jane
Gatewood (in absentia, postponed)) Resolved: that future meetings of the staff
lists workgroup be webstreamed and that efforts be made to broaden the input
through public email lists.
Motion passed without objection at 10:16 pm.

5D. Membership Lists

Cerene Roberts reported that the first meeting of this workgroup is likely to
occur via teleconference on 8/28/07 or 8/29/07.

Motion from Carolyn Birden that the PNB Elections Committee urges the PNB
Elections Supervisor to extend the deadlines for final verification of
membership lists at WBAI in light of reported problems with the underlying
documentation. Further resolved that the NES be urged to remind General
Managers of their responsibilities to maintain lists under resolutions adopted
by the Pacifica National Board.
Motion passed by a roll call vote: Y: 5, N: 4
Yes: Allen, Birden, Rawline, Shafto, Williams
No: Brazon, Goodman, Lederer, Roberts,

5E. Motion on Teleconference Phone Systems

Motion from Carolyn Birden that the PNB Elections Committee move its meetings
to a "free" teleconferencing system wherever feasible so as to save the
Foundation from this expense. Toll charges for the use of such systems may
apply to callers.
Motion postponed without objection on the motion of Birden at 10:25 pm.

5F. Technical Advisory Committee
Item postponed in the absence of workgroup members.

6. Unfinished Business

6A. Motion that Directors Report PNB Actions Regarding Election Matters to the
Elections Committee

This motion was withdrawn by the maker without objection, having been mooted by
the Chair's change to the Committee's regular order of business.

7. New Business
7A. Membership List Issues

The items originally proposed for consideration as new business were disposed
of earlier in the meeting.

Motion to adjourn by Bob Lederer.
Motion passed without objection.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:58 pm EDT.

Deb Shafto
Secretary Pro-Tem
(These minutes were approved on 9/24/07.)

Appendix A - NES Report

Date: August 26, 2007, 6:47 pm
From: Casey Peters
To: PNB Elections Committee
Subj: NES report to Elections Committee

Please accept my apology for possibly not being available for the Monday night
meeting. I will be in transit, riding and Amtrak train, and may not be
accessible to telephone reception.

Allow me to remind you that the Date of Record for voting membership in the
2007 elections is AUGUST 31 - this coming Friday. Most stations are hosting
membership events on the 30th or 31st, and those events will double as
signature gathering opportunities for LSB candidates.

Revised lists of Unpaid Staff members should be posted prominently at each
station no later than September 4. The deadline for contesting those lists is
September 15.

I strongly urge anyone who is considering running for a seat on your Local
Station Board or who knows anyone who may be willing to serve on the board to
contact your Local Election Supervisor immediately to get a candidate packet
(email addresses: votekpfa@gmail.com, votekpfk@gmail.com, votewbai@gmail.com,
votekpft@gmail.com, votewpfw@gmail.com) or download it from
www.pacificafoundation.org/elections and spend some time writing your candidate
statement (up to 500 words).

It will benefit all concerned if you turn in your petitions and other candidate
materials EARLY rather than waiting for the deadline of September 25.

Thank you.

-- Casey Peters
National Elections Supervisor
Pacifica Foundation

Appendix B - Committee Report

PNB Elections Committee Report 07-26-2007

The PNB Elections Committee wishes to report that it has met each month since
March and considered several issues assigned to it or assumed to be in the
nature of its scope. The committee has no motions requiring consideration by
the PNB at this time.

The committee's membership is as follows:

Teresa Allen, Carolyn Birden, Lydia Brazon, Jane Gatewood (Secretary), Terry
Goodman (Chair), Ambrose Lane, Bob Lederer, Henry Norr, Rosalinda Palacios,
Sandra Rawline, Cerene Roberts, Deb Shafto, Jack VanAken, LaVarn Williams, and
Carol Wolfe.

National Elections Supervisor Casey Peters participates as a guest at most
committee meetings, which are webstreamed and archived. Art Stasney of our
Technical Advisory Workgroup occasionally participates.

On March 25, 2007, the committee met for the first time in this term, arranged
for its election of officers, and appointed members to workgroups. The primary
purpose of the workgroups is to study and recommend on the issues identified by
the National and Local Elections Supervisors in the formal reports they
submitted following each of the Pacifica delegate elections. The workgroups are
Elections Scheduling, Staff Lists, Membership Lists, and Technical Advisory.
At its last meeting the committee established a Subcommittee on Campaign
Finance Reform to investigate the influence of private funds on delegate
elections. The teleconference meetings of the Staff Lists Workgroup and the
Campaign Finance Reform Subcommittee are webstreamed and archived, with
National Office approval having been obtained for the workgroup's expense and
being requested for the subcommittee's expense. There are publicly-readable
internet lists established for the committee and each workgroup or
subcommittee, but these lists are not much used.

Among the items discussed in committee beyond internal committee matters have
been the hire of the National Elections Supervisor, the manner of identifying
nominees for Affiliate Director seats, ballot counting hardware and software
issues, LSB hardship waiver policies, and approaches to providing pro and con
ballot pamphlet arguments around the proposed bylaws amendments. National
Elections Supervisor Casey Peters routinely updates the committee regarding his
progress on issues in the next election, solicits committee input on matters
that he must decide, and accepts committee member assistance in gathering
information about local stations and their personnel. Mr. Peters will report
to the PNB separately.

The committee's Elections Scheduling Workgroup developed comprehensive
recommendations for bylaws amendment which have been slightly revised and
formally proposed by seven Directors, so are not part of this committee report.

Terry Goodman, Committee Chair