Minutes of WBAI MEC meeting Thurs. July 18:

Present: Erroll, Basir, Mitch, Marilyn
Michael out of

I. The dates encompassed by our Management Evaluation will be January 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019. We intend
to have our evaluation completed by December,, 2019.

II. Confidentiality pledge: Two more members signed

III. Documentation from Management: Management's response to our written request for documents was
incomplete. Marilyn will send a follow-up message reiterating what we need.

IV. We would also like to have a
copies of contracts with Pacifica. To be done: Marilyn will request these on behalf of the Committee.

Actions needed: Before the next meeting, all MEC members will review carefully the materials used for the last, May 2016
Management Evaluation and accompanying materials and share any suggested changes online before the next

VII. The MEC reiterated its majority view expressed at the last meeting that we consider
it beyond
the scope of the LSB MEC to take on resolution of the dispute that Randy C. has with WBAI management. We will propose
that the LSB establish a special committee to resolve this issue if no other avenue exists.

VIII. Next meeting
will be Thurs, August 1 rom 4-6 at The Commons.