2021-05-04 KPFT Finance Cmte Minutes
Draft Agenda
1. Call to order - Roll Call (5 min)
2. Election
of permanent secretary (10 min)
3. Minutes approval for March 2021 and April 2021 (10 min)
4. Management report
of current financial state, includes: cash on hand, cash ‘burn’ rate, expenses for May (note any exceptional or
unusual expenses, May fund drive goals and expectations, progress on licensee renewal (10 min)
4A. Q&A on financial
state report (10 min)
5. Management presentation of initial 2022 budget using ‘standard’ Pacifica budget
template. Highlighting of the changes from 2021 budget (15 min) 5A Q&A on draft budget (25 min)
6. Public comment
(10 min)
7. Selection of meeting date for June 2021 ... suggested date June 8 (3 min)
8. Adjourn