KPFT Local Station Board Regular Monthly Meeting
Teleconference meeting via Zoom
Draft Agenda
I. Call to
II. Roll Call (3 min.)
III. Excused Absences (3 min.)
IV. Elect Chair Pro-Tem and Secretary Pro-Tem (10
V. Agenda Approval (10 min.)
VI. Self-Introductions of all LSB Members - 1 minutes or less each (25
VII. Approval of Minutes (5 min.)
VIII. Nominations for Regular LSB Officers & Motion to Authorize Email
ballot for those elections (10 min.)
IX. Public Comment [time certain 8pm to 8:30pm CT] (30 min)
X. General
Manager Report, Q & A (20 min.)
XI. Pacifica National Board and National Committee Reports, Q & A (15 m)
The LSB may go into Executive Session if needed, following the end of the public session, to get updates from PNB
Directors regarding the sale of the KPFT property, if such updates need to be kept confidential.
XII. KPFT Committee
Reports, Q & A (10 m)
XIIII. Unfinished Business (5 m)
XIV. New Business (10 m)
a. Motion by Weinmann:
Adopted this day and effective at the next regular meeting of the KPFT LSB, the agenda for that meeting and for future
meetings will be adopted using a procedure as defined herein. The Chair or his/her designee will circulate to all
members by email the intended agenda no less than 7 days prior to the date of the LSB meeting. Members will have five
(5) full calendar days to submit suggestions, edits or otherwise. The agenda will be finalized and adopted 48 hours
prior to the time and date of the meeting.
ALL MOTIONS for consideration will have been vetted by a committee or
task force of the LSB before they are placed on the agenda for the monthly meeting of the LSB. In the case that there
are motions of an emergency nature for the LSB to consider, the chair will ask for a vote as to add those items to the
agenda. A vote of 2/3 of the board will be required to add said motion(s).
XV. Confirm date of Next LSB Meeting
(second Wednesday of next month for regular LSB meeting, plus the Bylaws require a meeting of the Delegates in early
January to choose PNB Directors)
XVI. Adjourn by 9:45pm or earlier

Note: Time limits for agenda items are
shown in parentheses. After approval of the agenda, it takes a 2/3 vote to increase those limits.